0559-Jouyou-kanji “古” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Old” or “Antiquity” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “古”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “古” means “Used”, “Past time” or “Ancient times” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "古"

Jouyou Kanji “古”

Jouyou Kanji "古" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “古” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi こ(ko)
Kun-Yomi ふる(い)(furu(i))
Meanings Old times, Ancient time
Old, Ancient, Stale, Old-fashioned, Outdated
Wear out

Kanji words which contain Kanji “古”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
古駅(こえき-ko e ki) Post town, Stage, Relay station
古往今来(こおうこんらい-ko o u ko n ra i) From antiquity to nowaday, Since antiquity, In all ages
古歌(こか-ko ka) Old poem (Waka, Tanka), Old song
古画(こが-ko ga) Ancient painting, Old painting
古雅(こが-ko ga) Classical elegance, Antiquity
古格(こかく-ko ka ku) Status from old time, Formality from old time, Convention, Old customs, Old etiquette
古学(こがく-ko ga ku) Classical studies
古稀 or 古希(こき-ko ki) Seventy years old (longevity celebration)
古義(こぎ-ko gi) Old meaning, Old interpretation
古京(こきょう-ko kyo u) Old capital
古金(こきん-ko ki n) Gold coins of old time
古金(ふるがね-fu ru ga ne) Scrap iron, Scrap metal
古句(こく-ko ku) Old Haiku, Ancient expression, Old poem
古訓(こくん-ko ku n) Ancient precepts, Ancient teachings, Old reading
古諺 or 古言(こげん-ko ge n) Old sayin, Old expression
古語(こご-ko go) Archaic word, Ancient word
古今(ここん or こき-ko ko n (or) ko ki n) Ancient and modern times, All ages, Past and present
古今未曾有(ここんみぞう-ko ko n mi zo u) Never existed in ancient or modern times, The first on record
古今無双(ここんむそう-ko ko n mu so u) Unparalleled in history
古刹(こさつ-ko sa tsu) Old temple
古参(こさん-ko sa n) A senior, Long serviced, Veteran
古詩(こし-ko shi) Ancient poems
古事(こじ-ko ji) ① Ancient event, Ancient incidents, Historical event, ② Tradition, Folklore, Legend, Origin
古事記(こじき-ko ji ki) Kojiki (earliest historical record of Japan, compiled in 712 CE), Records of Ancient Matters
古式(こしき-ko shi ki) Old style, Ancient rites
古酒(こしゅ-ko shu) Well-cured sake, Last year’s sake, Old sake
古書(こしょ-ko sho) ① Old book, Rare book, Classic, ② Secondhand book, Used book
古城(こじょう-ko jo u) Old castle, Old fortress
古色(こしょく-ko sho ku) Faded color, Antique look, Antique appearance
古色蒼然(こしょくそうぜん-ko sho ku so u ze n) Antique‐looking, Looking hoary with patina
古人(こじん-ko ji n) Ancient people, Men of old, Men of other days
古人の糟魄(こじんのそうはく-ko ji n no so u ha ku) The essence of things cannot be conveyed through words or letters so the remains today as words and writings is merely the dregs of that
古制(こせい-ko se i) Ancient establishment, Ancient laws
古生物(こせいぶつ-ko se i bu tsu) Animals and plants of past geological periods, Life on earth in earlier times
古跡 or 古蹟(こせき-ko se ki) Historic spot, Place of historical interest, Historic remains, Ruins
古拙(こせつ-ko se tsu) Artless but attractive in a quaint sense, Rustic beauty
古俗 or 故俗(こぞく-ko zo ku) Old custom
古体(こたい-ko ta i) Old custom, Old style, Archaism
古代(こだい-ko da i) Ancient times, Old times, Antiquity
古代紫(こだいむらさき-ko da i mu ra sa ki) Reddish-purple, Dark reddish purple
古典(こてん-ko te n) Classic
古典主義(こてんしゅぎ-ko te n shu gi) Classicism
古典的(こてんてき-ko te n te ki) Classical, Classic
古伝(こでん-ko de n) Legend, Fable, Tradition, Folklore
古都(こと-ko to) Ancient capital, Ancient city
古道(こどう-ko do u) ① Old road, Ancient road, ② Ancient methods, Ancient moral teachings, The way of learning
古風(こふう-ko fu u) Old-fashioned, Archai, Antique, Antiquated, Primitive, Archaic
古墳(こふん-ko fu n) Ancient tomb, Ancient burial mound, Barrow, Tumulus
古文(こぶん-ko bu n) Ancient writings, Archaic writings, Classical literature
古法(こほう-ko ho u) ① Old method, ② Old law
古文書(こもんじょ-ko mo n jo) Old documents, Historical documents, Old manuscript
古例(これい-ko re i) Old precedent, Tradition, Custom
古老(ころう-ko ro u) Old man, Patriarch
古顔(ふるがお-fu ru ga o) Old stager, Old hand, Old‐timer, Familiar face, Veteran
古株(ふるかぶ-fu ru ka bu) Old stager, Old hand, Old‐timer, Old stump, Familiar face, Veteran
古傷(ふるきず-fu ru ki zu) ① Old wound, ② Unpleasant past experience, Painful memory, Past misdeed
古狐(ふるぎつねーfu ru gi tsu ne) Old fox, Old-timer, Schemer
古里 or 故郷(ふるさと-fu ru sa to) Hometown, Birthplace, Native place, One’s old home
古巣(ふるす-fu ru su) One’s old home, One’s old haunt
古狸(ふるだぬき-fu ru da nu ki) Old badger, Veteran, Oldtimer, Schemer
古手(ふるて-fu ru te) ① Veteran, Old-timer, Long-serving employee, ② Used article, Worn-out article, ③ Long-established (method etc), Commonplace, Stale
往古(おうこ-o u ko) Ancient times
懐古(かいこ-ka i ko) Reminiscence, Nostalgia, Thinking fondly of the past, Recalling the old days
擬古(ぎこ-gi ko) Imitation of classical styles, Archaism, Classicism
近古(きんこ-ki n ko) Early modern age
稽古(けいこ-ke i ko) Practice, Exercise, Training
考古(こうこ-ko u ko) Study of antiquities, Archeology
最古(さいこ-sa i ko) The oldes, The earliest
上古(じょうこ-jo u ko) Ancient times
千古(せんこ-se n ko) Remote antiquity, Great antiquity, Eternity
太古(たいこ-ta i ko) Primeval time, Ancient times, Prehistoric times
中古(ちゅうこ-chu u ko) Used, Secondhand, Pre-owned
万古(ばんこ-ba n ko) Timelessness, Perpetuity, Eternity, Infinity
復古(ふっこ-fu kko) Restoration, Revival, Involution


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