0538-Jouyou-kanji “賢” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Wise” or “Clever” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “賢”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “賢” means “Wisdom”, “Soundness” or “Wiseness” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "賢"

Jouyou Kanji “賢”

Jouyou Kanji "賢" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “賢” Stroke Order

Stroke # 16 Strokes
On-Yomi けん(ken)
Kun-Yomi かしこ(い)(kashiko(i))
Meanings Wise, Clever, Intelligent
Wise man, Sages
Superior, Surpass, Prominent
Respect, Honor (as a wise man)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “賢”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
賢所(かしこどころ-ka shi ko do ko ro) Palace sanctuary, Imperial Shrine, Ancestral Shrine in the Imperial Palace
賢愚(けんぐ-ke n gu) The wise and the foolish, Sages and fools, Wisdom or folly
賢君(けんくん-ke n ku n) Wise monarch
賢兄(けんけい-ke n ke i) ① Wise elder brother, ② Respect word for other person
賢才(けんさい-ke n sa i) Excellent talent, Man of ability, Gifted person
賢察(けんさつ-ke n sa tsu) Respect word for the guess of other, Word which shows the respect for the guess of other
賢者(けんじゃ-ke n ja) Sage, Wise man
賢女(けんじょ-ke n jo) Wise woman, Clever woman
賢相(けんしょう-ke n sho u) Wise Chancellor, Wise minister
賢人(けんじん-ke n ji n) Wage, Wise man
賢聖(けんせい-ke n se i) Saints and sages
賢哲(けんてつ-ke n te tsu) ① Wise men and philosophers, ② Being clever and logical
賢王(けんのう-ke n no u) Wise Monarch, Wise king
賢能(けんのう-ke n no u) ① Being clever and talented, ② Talented clever person
賢夫人(けんぶじんke n bu ji n) Wise wife
賢母(けんぼ-ke n bo) Wise mother
賢明(けんめい-ke n me i) Wise, Smart, Intelligent
賢慮(けんりょ-ke n ryo) ① Wise idea, ② Polite reference to another’s consideration
賢を見て斉しからん事を思う(けんをみてひとしからんことをおもう-ke n wo mi te hi to shi ka ra n ko to wo o mo u) When I see a great person, I want to be like that person
俊賢(しゅんけん-shu n ke n) A person of great talent and virtue
聖賢(せいけん-se i ke n) ① Saints and sages, ② Refined sake and cloudy sake
先賢(せんけん-se n ke n) Ancient sage
忠賢(ちゅうけん-chu u ke n) Being loyal and wise


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