0492-Jouyou-kanji “慶” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Congratulate” or “Celebrate” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “慶”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “慶” means “Happiness”, “Auspicious event” or “Happy event” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "慶"

Jouyou Kanji “慶”

Jouyou Kanji "慶" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “慶” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi けい(kei)
Kun-Yomi よろこ(ぶ)(yoroko(bu))
Meanings Congratulate, Celebrate, Be glad, Be happy
Happy events
Happiness, Good fortune, Good luck

Kanji words which contain Kanji “慶”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
慶雲(けいうん-ke i u n) Auspicious cloud, Clouds that are a precursor to happy things
慶賀(けいが-ke i ga) Celebration, Congratulations
慶事(けいじ-ke i ji) Happy event, Matter for congratulation, Auspicious event
慶讃(けいさん-ke i sa n) To rejoice and praise the merit of the Buddha Bodhisattva
慶祝(けいしゅく-ke i shu ku) Congratulation, Celebration
慶賞(けいしょう-ke i sho u) Reward for achievements
慶弔(けいちょう-ke i cho u) Occasion for celebration or sorrow
慶兆(けいちょう-ke i cho u) Sign of happiness, Good omen
慶典(けいてん-ke i te n) Celebration, Jubilation, Celebration ritual especially the national celebration
慶福(けいふく-ke i fu ku) Happy event, Happiness
嘉慶(かけい-ka ke i) Kakei era
祝慶(しゅくけい-shu ku ke i) Congratulation, Celebration
同慶(どうけい-do u ke i) matter for mutual congratulation


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