Japanese Jouyou-kanji “玉” means “Droplet”, “Bead” or “Gem” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
玉案(ぎょくあん-gyo ku a n) |
① Beautiful desk decorated by jade, ② Emperor’s desk |
玉音(ぎょくいん or ぎょくおん-gyo ku i n (or) gyo ku o n) |
Emperor’s voice, Beautiful voice, Beautiful sound |
玉顔(ぎょくがん-gyo ku ga n) |
Imperial face |
玉座(ぎょくざ-gyo ku za) |
Imperial throne, Seat for the emperor, Emperor status |
玉砕(ぎょくさい-gyo ku sa i) |
Honorable death, Death without surrender, Honorable defeat |
玉山崩る(ぎょくざんくずる-gyo ku ga n ku zu ru) |
Drunken good looking person |
玉姿(ぎょくし-gyo ku shi) |
Beautiful appearance |
玉璽(ぎょくじ-gyo ku ji) |
Sovereign’s seal, Emperor’s seal |
玉章(ぎょくしょう-gyo ku sho u) |
Your letter, (Respect word for other one’s letter, sentence etc) |
玉条(ぎょくじょう-gyo ku jo u) |
① Beautiful branches, ② Very important law and rules |
玉人(ぎょくじん-gyo ku ji n) |
① Craftsman who polishes and processes jade, ② Jade doll, ③ Admirable person, ➃ Beautiful women |
玉成(ぎょくせい-gyo ku se i) |
Polish it like a jade, Raising to a great person |
玉石混交 or 玉石混淆(ぎょくせきこんこう-gyo ku se ki ko n ko u) |
Mixture of good and bad, Mixture of wheat and chaff |
玉体(ぎょくたい-gyo ku ta i) |
Bodies of emperor or nobles, Body of beautiful woman |
玉帳(ぎょくちょう-gyo ku cho u) |
① Beautiful Curtain, Beautiful Curtain decorated with Jade, ② The General’s Camp |
玉笛(ぎょくてき-gyo ku te ki) |
Beautifully crafted flute, Flute of Jade |
玉斗(ぎょくと-gyo ku to) |
① Sake ladle made from a Jade, ② Another name for the Big Dipper |
玉兎(ぎょくと-gyo ku to) |
Moon |
玉杯(ぎょくはい-gyo ku ha i) |
Jade cup |
玉帛(ぎょくはく-gyo ku ha ku) |
Jades and silk cloth (which are used as gifts in ancient era) |
玉容(ぎょくよう-gyo ku yo u) |
Beautiful appearance |
玉葉(ぎょくよう-gyo ku yo u) |
The Clan of the Emperor |
玉露(ぎょくろ-gyo ku ro) |
High‐quality green tea, Refined green tea |
玉楼(ぎょくろう-gyo ku ro u) |
Magnificent palace, Splendid mansion, Beautiful and luxurious palace |
玉壺(ぎょっこ-gyo kko) |
Beautiful jade vase |
玉垣(たまがき-ta ma ga ki) |
Decorative fence round a Shinto shrine |
玉串(たまぐし-ta ma gu shi) |
Branch of sacred tree with paper or cotton strips attached |
玉に瑕(たまにきず-ta ma ni ki zu) |
Fly in the ointment, Small flaw in otherwise perfect object, Only trouble, Only fault |
玉の汗(たまのあせ-ta ma no a se) |
Beads of sweat |
玉の輿に乗る(たまのこしにのる-ta ma no ko shi ni no ru) |
Marry into a wealthy family, To marry into a family of rank |
玉琢かざれば器を成さず(たまみがかざればきをなさず-ta ma mi ga ka za re ba ki wo na sa zu) |
Even if one is born with great talent, one cannot become a good person without studying and cultivating oneself |
金玉(きんぎょく-ki n gyo ku) |
Gold and jewels, Precious object |
攻玉(こうぎょく-ko u gyo ku) |
Cultivating knowledge and virtue, Jewel polishing |
紅玉(こうぎょく-ko u gyo ku) |
Ruby |
珠玉(しゅぎょく-shu gyo ku) |
Jewel, Gem |
佩玉(はいぎょく-ha i gyo ku) |
Jade ornaments worn around the waist by emperors or nobles in ancient China |
宝玉(ほうぎょく-ho u gyo ku) |
Jewel, Precious stone, Gem |
曲玉 or 勾玉(まがたま-ma ga ta ma) |
Magatama, Comma-shaped bead from prehistoric Japan usually made of jade |
水玉(みずたま-mi zu ta ma) |
Drop of water, Polka dot |