0426-Jouyou-kanji “極” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Extremity” or “”Far end in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “極”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “極” means “Vertex”, “Pole” or “Climax” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "極"

Jouyou Kanji “極”

Jouyou Kanji "極" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “極” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi きょく(kyoku)
Kun-Yomi きわ(める)(kiwa(meru))
Meanings Extremity, Far end, vertex
Reach an end, Learn thoroughly, Master everything
Extremely, Exceedingly
Nothing better than, Highest thing
Magnetic pole, Electrode
The origin
Agreement, Arrangement

Kanji words which contain Kanji “極”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
極右(きょくう-kyo ku u) Far right, Extreme right, Extreme right-wing thought
極言(きょくげん-kyo ku ge n) Go so far as to say, Extreme words
極限(きょくげん-kyo ku ge n) Extreme, Limit, Boundary, Utmost limit
極左(きょくさ-kyo ku sa) Far left, Extreme left, Extreme left-wing thought
極小(きょくしょう-kyo ku sho u) Minimal, Minimum
極大(きょくだい-kyo ku da i) Huge, Enormous, Gigantic
極端(きょくたん-kyo ku ta n) ① Extreme, Far end, ② Unreasonable, Excessive, Inordinate, Undue
極地(きょくち-kyo ku chi) ① Polar region, ② Farthest land, Ends of the earth
極致(きょくち-kyo ku chi) Ultimate, Highest state of mind
極点(きょくてん-kyo ku te n) Pole (north, south), Climax, Extreme (point)
極度(きょくど-kyo ku do) Extreme, Utmost, Uttermost, Maximum, Level best
極東(きょくとう-kyo ku to u) Far East
極微(きょくび-kyo ku bi) Infinitesimal, Microscopic
極目(きょくもく-kyo ku mo ku) As far as the eye can see
極洋(きょくよう-kyo ku yo u) Polar seas
極楽(きょくらく-kyo ku ra ku) To master enjoyment
極楽(ごくらく-go ku ra ku) Buddhist paradise, Nirvana, Paradise, Heaven
極量(きょくりょう-kyo ku ryo u) Maximum dose, Maximal dose
極力(きょくりょく-kyo ku ryo ku) To the utmost, To the best of one’s ability
極論(きょくろん-kyo ku ro n) Extreme logic, Extreme argument, Carrying logic to extreme
極刑(きょっけい-kyo kke i) Capital punishment, Maximum penalty, Death penalty
極光(きょっこう-kyo kko u) Aurora, Aurora borealis, Polar light
極悪(ごくあく-go ku a ku) Atrocity, Enormity, Heinous
極意(ごくい-go ku i) Innermost secret, Essential point, Main point
極印(ごくいん-go ku i n) Hallmark, Stamp, Impress, Seal
極月(ごくげつ or ごくづき-go ku ge tsu (or) go ku du ki) Last month of the year, December
極彩色(ごくさいしき-go ku sa i shi ki) Brilliant coloring, Rich colored
極暑(ごくしょ-go ku sho) Severe heat, Intense heat
極上(ごくじょう-go ku jo u) First-rate, Finest quality, The best
極道(ごくどう-go ku do u) Dissolute, Dissipated, Debauched, Profligate, Prodigal, Yakuza, Underworld
極熱(ごくねつ-go ku ne tsu) Extreme heat, Extremely hot (esp. of sake)
極秘(ごくひ-go ku hi) Strict secrecy, Absolute secrecy
極貧(ごくひん-go ku hi n) Extreme poverty, Destitution, Abject poverty
極楽浄土(ごくらくじょうど-go ku ra ku jo u do) The land of Perfect Bliss, Amitabha’s Pure Land, Promised land, Heaven, Paradise
極寒(ごっかん-go kka n) Severe cold, Extreme cold, Intense cold
陰極(いんきょく-i n kyo ku) Cathode, Negative pole, Minus terminal
究極(きゅうきょく-kyu u kyo ku) Extreme, Ultimate, Eventual, Supreme
窮極(きゅうきょく-kyu u kyo ku) Ultimate, Final, Last, Eventual
至極(しごく-shi go ku) ① Very, Extremely, Exceedingly, Quite, Most, ② Top, Highest, Best
至極当然(しごくとうぜん-shi go ku to u ze n) It’s completely natural, Utterly it is right
消極(しょうきょく-sho u kyo ku) ① Being negative mind, Passive, Negative, Conservative, ② Depolarization
積極(せっきょく-se kkyo ku) Positive, Active, Aggressive, Enterprising
太極(たいきょく-ta i kyo ku) Taiji (in Chinese philosophy, the principle that embodies all potential things, incl. time and space)
天極(てんきょく-te n kyo ku) Celestial poles
登極(とうきょく-to u kyo ku) Imperial accession, Accession to the throne
南極(なんきょく-na n kyo ku) ① South Pole, ② South pole (magnet), ③ Antarctic, Antarctica
北極(ほっきょく-ho kkyo ku) ① North Pole, ② North pole (magnet)
無極(むきょく-mu kyo ku) Infinite, Boundless, Unbounded, Limitless, Nonpolar
陽極(ようきょく-yo u kyo ku) Anode, Positive pole, Plus terminal
両極(りょうきょく-ryo u kyo ku) Both poles, North and South Poles


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