Japanese Jouyou-kanji “鬼” means “Ogre”, “Demoniac” or “Soul of a dead” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
鬼ヶ島(おにがしま-on i ga shi ma) |
An imaginary island where demons live, Onigashima, Island of ogres (in Japanese folklore) |
鬼瓦(おにがわら-o i ga wa ra) |
A kind of gargoyle, Ornamental roof tiles which are set at the top of Japanese style roof |
鬼が笑う(おにがわらう-o ni ga wa ra u) |
(This is an idiom used to make fun of someone who speaks unpredictable things) |
鬼子(おにご-o ni go) |
① Child born with teeth, ② Child which does not resemble its parents, Changeling, ③ Wild child, Badly-behaved child |
鬼畜生(おにちくしょう-o ni chi ku sho u) |
A person who plays cruel and ruthless deeds |
鬼に金棒(おににかなぼう-o ni ni ka na bo u) |
Adding more arms to the already strong man |
鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯(おにのいぬまにせんたく-o ni no i nu ma ni se n ta ku) |
When the cat’s away the mice will play, Taking a break while the boss is out, Doing what one wants when one is (finally) alone, Relaxing while the demon is out |
鬼の目にも涙(おののめにもなみだ-o ni no me ni mo na mi da) |
Even the hardest of hearts can be moved to tears, A tear in the ogre’s eye |
鬼歯(おにば-o ni ba) |
Fang‐like projecting tooth, Protruding tooth like a fang |
鬼婆(おにばば-o ni ba ba) |
Ogress, Pitiless hag |
鬼武者(おにむしゃ-o ni mu sha) |
A warrior who is as strong as a demon, Daredevil warrior |
鬼遣(おにやらい-o ni ya ra i) |
Driving out evil spirits (on New Year’s eve) |
鬼火(きか or おにび-ki ka (or) o ni bi) |
Will-o’-the-wisp, Ignis fatuus |
鬼気(きき-ki ki) |
Weird feeling, Unearthly feeling, Ghastly, Dreadful |
鬼哭(きこく-ki ko ku) |
Wailings of a restless ghost |
鬼才(きさい-ki sa i) |
Genius, Remarkable talent, Exceptional ability |
鬼子母神(きしぼじん or きしもじん-ki shi bo ji n (or) ki shi mo ji n) |
Goddess of childbirth and children |
鬼手(きしゅ-ki shu) |
① An unusual move that surprises the opponent in Go or Shogi etc, ② Ghoul hand |
鬼女(きじょ- ki jo) |
Ogress, She‐devil, Demoness, Witch |
鬼神(きしん or きじん-ki shi n (or) ki ji n) |
Fierce god |
鬼籍(きせき-ki se ki) |
Roster of the dead, Necrology |
鬼畜(きちく-ki chi ku) |
Brute, Savage, Fiend |
鬼面(きめん-ki me n) |
Devil’s mask, Startling appearance, Devil’s face |
鬼門(きもん-ki mo n) |
① The northeastern (unlucky) direction, Person or thing to be avoided, Demon’s gate, ② Weak point, Achilles’ heel |
悪鬼(あっき-a kki) |
Fiend, Demon, Devil |
餓鬼(がき-ga ki) |
① Brat, Kid, Urchin, Little devil, Imp, ② (orig. meaning) Hungry ghost |
疑心暗鬼(ぎしんあんき-gi shi n a n ki) |
Suspicion will raise bogies, Once you suspect something everything else will look suspicious, Jumping at shadows |
窮鬼(きゅうき-kyu u ki) |
① God of poverty, ② Vengeful spirit |
吸血鬼(きゅうけつき-kyu u ke tsu ki) |
Vampire |
債鬼(さいき-sa i ki) |
Cruel creditor, Bill collector, Debt collector |
人鬼(じんき or ひとおに-ji n ki (or) hi to o ni) |
A person as merciless and cruel as a demon |
百鬼(ひゃっき-hya kki) |
Various kinds of monsters |