0218-Jouyou-kanji “覚” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Retention” or “Memory” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “覚”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “覚” means “Satori”, “Recollection” or “Memorandum” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "覚"

Jouyou Kanji “覚”

Jouyou Kanji "覚" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “覚” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi かく(kaku)
Kun-Yomi おぼ(える)(obo(eru))
Meanings Remember, Understand, Know
Realize, Be aware, Enlightenment
Awakening, Awake, wake up
Discovery, Detection

Kanji words which contain Kanji “覚”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
覚え書き(おぼえがき-o bo e ga ki) ① Memorandum, ② Diplomatic documents
覚悟(かくご-ka ku go) Preparedness, Resolution, Readiness
覚醒(かくせい-ka ku se i) Awakening, Waking up, Arousal, Revival
覚知(かくち-ka ku chi) ① Perception, Understanding, ② Learning (of), Becoming aware (of)
感覚(かんかく-ka n ka ku) Sence, Feeling, Sensation, Intuition
幻覚(げんかく-ge n ka ku) Hallucination, Illusion, Mirage
才覚(さいかく-sa i ka ku) Personal resource, Resourcefulness, Talent, Ready wit, Quick wits
錯覚(さっかく-sa kka ku) Perceptual illusion, Sensory illusion
視覚(しかく-shi ka ku) Perception, Sight, Vision, Sense of sight
自覚(じかく-ji ka ku) Consciousness, awareness
正覚(せいかく-se i ka ku) Perfect enlightenment
触覚(しょっかく-sho kka ku) Tactile sensation, Sense of touch, Haptic perception
知覚(ちかく-chi ka ku) Perception, Sensation, Awareness
聴覚(ちょうかく-cho u ka ku) Sense of hearing, Acoustic sense, Auditory sense
発覚(はっかく-ha kka ku) Detection, Discovery, Coming to light, Being uncovered
不覚(ふかく-fu ka ku) ① Unconsciousness, ② Blunder, Failure, Defeat, Mistake
味覚(みかく-mi ka ku) Sense of taste, Gustatory sensation, Gustatory sense


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