0183-Jouyou-kanji “界” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Border” or “Boundary” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “界”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “界” means “Community”, “Circles” or “Field” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "界"

Jouyou Kanji “界”

Jouyou Kanji "界" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “界” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi かい(kai)
Kun-Yomi さかい(sakai)
Meanings Boundary, Border
Limit, End
Zone, Area, Inside of an area

Kanji words which contain Kanji “界”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
界隈(かいわい-ka i wa i) Neighborhood, Vicinity, Locality
眼界(がんかい-ga n ka i) Range of vision, Field of vision
境界(きょうかい-kyo u ka i) Boundary, Border, Limit, Demarcation
境界線(きょうかいせん-kyo u ka i se n) Border line, Boundary line
業界(ぎょうかい-gyo u ka i) Industry, Business world, Business circle
下界(げかい-ge ka i) ① Earth, This world, ② Lower bound
限界(げんかい-ge n ka i) Limit, Bound, Threshold
財界(ざいかい-za i ka i) Financial world, Business world
三界(さんがい-sa n ga i) ① Three realms of existence, ② Past, present and future existences, ③ The whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened
三千世界(さんぜんせかい-sa n ze n se ka i) The whole world, The universe
視界(しかい-shi ka i) Field of view, Sight, Visibility
社交界(しゃこうかい-sha ko u ka i) Society, High society
政界(せいかい-se i ka i) Political world, Political circles
世界(せかい-se ka i) ① The world, Society, Uuniverse, ② (Original meaning) realm governed by one Buddha
俗界(ぞっかい-zo kka i) Secular life, Workaday world, Earthly life
天界(てんかい-te n ka i) City of god, Heavenly city, Celestial city, Holy city
文学界(ぶんがくかい-bu n ga ku ka i) Literary world, Literary circles
法界(ほうかい or ほっかい-ho u ka i (or) ho kka i) ① Universe, ② Realm of thought, ③ Underlying principle of reality, Manifestation of true thusness, ④ Being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one, Being jealous of others who are in love with each other


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