Japanese Jouyou-kanji “快” means “Delight”, “Splendid” or “Good feeling” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
快活(かいかつ-ka i ka tsu) |
Cheerful, Lively, Lighthearted |
快感(かいかん-ka i ka n) |
Pleasant sensation, Pleasant feeling, Pleasure |
快漢(かいかん-ka i ka n) |
Pleasant fellow |
快気(かいき-ka i ki) |
① Recovery from sickness, ② comfortableness, Refreshing mood |
快挙(かいきょ-ka i kyo) |
Great achievement, remarkable deed, Brilliant achievement |
快哉(かいさい-ka i sa i) |
Joy, Exultation, Exhilaration |
快事(かいじ-ka i ji) |
Pleasure, Cheerful thing, Joyful event, Glories |
快勝(かいしょう-ka i sho u) |
Sweeping victory, Easy victory, Decisive victory |
快心(かいしん-ka i shi n) |
Good feeling, Comfortable feeling |
快晴(かいせい-ka i se i) |
Sunny, Fine weather, Clear weather, Clear sky |
快走(かいそう-ka i so u) |
Fast moving, Fast running, Fast sailing |
快足(かいそく-ka i so ku) |
Being nimble-footed, Being quick on one’s feet, Fast running legs |
快速(かいそく-ka i so ku) |
① High speed, Rapidity, ② Rapid-service train (not as fast as express), Rapid train |
快打(かいだ-ka i da) |
Clean hit (baseball) |
快諾(かいだく-ka i da ku) |
Willing consent, Ready consent |
快男子(かいだんし-ka i da n shi) |
Agreeable fellow, Pleasant man, Jolly fellow |
快男児(かいだんじ-ka i da n ji) |
Nice guy, Fine fellow |
快調(かいちょう-ka i cho u) |
Good condition, Going well, Fine, Smooth |
快適(かいてき-ka i te ki) |
Pleasant, Amenity, Comfortable, Cozy, Snug |
快刀(かいとう-ka i to u) |
Sharp sword, Clean-cutting sword |
快刀乱麻を断つ(かいとうらんまをたつ-ka i to u ra n ma wo ta tsu) |
To cut the Gordian knot, Act decisively to solve a complicated problem |
快復(かいふく-ka i fu ku) |
Restoration, Recovery (from an illness), Recuperation, Convalescence |
快方(かいほう-ka i ho u) |
Convalescence, Recovery |
快報(かいほう-ka i ho u) |
Good news, Joyful news |
快味(かいみ-ka i mi) |
Pleasance, Pleasure, Pleasant sensation, Agreeable feeling |
快癒(かいゆ-ka i yu) |
Recovery, Convalescence |
快楽(かいらく-ka i ra ku) |
① Pleasure, ② Supreme pleasure obtained by freeing oneself from earthly desires |
全快(ぜんかい-ze n ka i) |
Complete recovery, Full recovery |
爽快(そうかい-so u ka i) |
Refreshing, Exhilarating, Invigorating, Bracing |
痛快(つうかい-tsu u ka i) |
Exhilarating, Thrilling, Intensely pleasurable |
不快(ふかい-fu ka i) |
Displeasure, Discomfort, Unpleasantness |
明快(めいかい-me i ka i) |
Clear, Clear-cut, Lucid, Unequivocal, Explicit |
愉快(ゆかい-yu ka i) |
Pleasant, Delightful, Enjoyable, Joyful, Cheerful, Amusing, Happy |