Japanese Jouyou-kanji “一” means “Best”, “Beginning” or “Ace” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
一握(いちあく-i chi a ku) |
Handful, Fistful, Smattering |
一意(いちい-i chi i) |
① One meaning, One thought, ② Wholeheartedly, Single-mindedly, Devotedly, ③ Unambiguity |
一意専心(いちいせんしん-i chi i se n shi n) |
Single-mindedly, Wholeheartedly, With all one’s heart, With one’s heart and soul |
一葦(いちい-i chi i) |
① Small boat, ② One reed, ③ One person |
一衣帯水(いちいたいすい-i chi i ta i su i) |
Narrow channel |
一々(いちいち-i chi i chi) |
One-by-one, Separately, Every single, Each and every, Without omission, Fully, In detail |
一因(いちいん-i chi i n) |
One cause, One reason, One factor |
一員(いちいん-i chi i n) |
One member |
一宇(いちう-i chi u) |
One house, One roof |
一栄一落(いちえいいちらく-i chi e i i chi ra ku) |
Rise and fall, Vicissitudes |
一円(いちえん-i chi e n) |
Throughout an area, Whole district |
一往 or 一応(いちおう-i chi o u) |
① Tentatively, For the time being, ② More or less, Though not quite satisfactorily, After a fashion, Pretty much, ③ Just in case, ④ once |
一概に(いちがいに-i chi ga i ni) |
Unconditionally, As a rule, Sweepingly, Indiscriminately, Unqualifiedly |
一丸(いちがん-i chi ga n) |
Hunk, Lump, One lump, One body, One group |
一義(いちぎ-i chi gi) |
① One meaning, ② Primary importance, Primary significance, Primary consideration, ③ A reason, A truth |
一議(いちぎ-i chi gi) |
One discussion, One meeting, One conference |
一隅(いちぐう-i chi gu u) |
One corner, A nook |
一軍(いちぐん-i chi gu n) |
① One army, Whole army, ② First string players |
一元(いちげん-i chi ge n) |
Unitary |
一元論(いちげんろん-i chi ge n ro n) |
Monism, Unitarism, Mechanism |
一言(いちげん or いちごん-i chi ge n (or) i chi go n) |
Single word, A few words, Brief comment |
一言居士(いちげんこじ-i chi ge n ko ji) |
A person who has something to say on anything and everything |
一言半句(いちげんはんく-i chi ge n ha n ku) |
A single word, Not even a word, Not even a syllable |
一言以てこれを蔽う(いちげんもってこれをおおう-i chi ge n mo tte ko re wo o o u) |
Express the whole meaning in one word |
一見識(いちけんしき-i chi ke n shi ki) |
Well-informed opinion, An opinion that is highly favorable in regard to someone or something |
一毫(いちごう-i chi go u) |
A small piece or quantity of something, Spot, Bit |
一次(いちじ-i chi ji) |
First order, 1st, First, Primary |
一時(いちじ-i chi ji) |
① One o’clock, ② Once, At one time, Formerly, Before, ③ A time, One time, Once |
一事が万事(いちじがばんじ-i chi ji ga ba n ji) |
Seen it once seen it all, A single instance indicates what happens all the time, One case gives you an idea of what always happens |
一字千金(いちじせんきん-i chi ji se n ki n) |
Word of great value |
一日千秋(いちじつせんしゅう-i chi ji tsu se n shu u) |
Wait impatiently, Look forward eagerly to something, Be impatient for |
一日千里(いちじつせんり-i chi ji tsu se n ri) |
Run a thousand miles in one day, Progress is extremely fast |
一日の長(いちじつのちょう-i chi ji tsu no cho u) |
Slight superiority (in knowledge, experience, ability, etc), Being slightly older |
一汁一菜(いちじゅういっさい-i chi ju u i ssa i) |
One-plate meal, Simple meal, Austerity diet |
一巡(いちじゅん-i chi ju n) |
One round, One tour, One circuit, One patrol |
一場(いちじょう-i chi jo u) |
One time, One place, One scene |
一人(いちじん or いちにん-i chi ji n (or) i chi ni n) |
① One person, ② Being alone, Being by oneself, ③ Being single, Being unmarried |
一陣(いちじん-i chi ji n) |
① Vanguard, ② Gust of wind, Squall |
一存(いちぞん-i chi zo n) |
Own responsibility, Personal judgment, Judgement in personam |
一朶(いちだ-i chi da) |
Hunk, Lump |
一代(いちだい-i chi da i) |
One generation, One’s lifetime |
一代記(いちだいき-i chi da i ki) |
Biography, Life story, Life history |
一大事(いちだいじ-i chi da i ji) |
Crisis, Important matter, Matter of great importance, Serious affair, Major incident, Emergency |
一諾千金(いちだくせんきん-i chi da se n ki n) |
One’s word is worth 1,000 pieces of gold, A promise should be kept at all cost |
一団(いちだん-i chi da n) |
A group, A party, A body, A gang, A troupe, A troop |
一段(いちだん-i chi da n) |
① Even more, Still more, Much more, Further, ② One step, One rung, One level, One grade, One rank, ③ One paragraph, One passage |
一段落(いちだんらく-i chi da n ra ku) |
① Eeaching a stopping place, Settling down (before the next stage), Getting to a point where one can rest, ② One paragraph |
一弾指(いちだんし-i chi da n shi) |
Brief moment, Twinkling of an eye, Instant |
一同(いちどう-i chi do u) |
Everyone , All present, All concerned, All of us |
一堂(いちどう-i chi do u) |
① One building, One hall, One temple, One shrine, One room, ② Same room, Same place, Same building |
一読(いちどく-i chi do ku) |
Read a book through, Look a report over, Perusal |
一日(いちにち-i chi ni chi) |
① One day, ② All day long, The whole day, From morning till night, ③ 1st day of the month |
一入(いちにゅう-i chi nyu u) |
To enter inside once |
一入(ひとしお-hi to shi o) |
① Still more, Especially, Particularly, ② Prominently, Conspicuously |
一如(いちにょ-i chi nyo) |
Oneness |
一任(いちにん-i chi ni n) |
Entrustment, Entrusting everything to, Leaving a matter entirely with |
一人者(いちにんしゃ-i chi ni n sha) |
Person who is of leading importance, The first person |
一人者(ひとりもの-hi to ri mo no) |
Bachelor, Unmarried man |
一人称(いちにんしょう-i chi ni n sho u) |
First person |
一人前(いちにんまえ-i chi ni n ma e) |
① One portion, One serving, ② Adult, Grown-up, Person who has come of age, ③ Fully fledged, Established, Qualified |
一念(いちねん-i chi ne n) |
① Determined purpose, ② An incredibly short span of time, ③ A single repetition of a prayer (esp. in Jodo-shu) |
一年生草本(いちねんせいそうほん-i chi ne n se i so u ho n) |
Annual herb |
一年草(いちねんそう-i chi ne n so u) |
Annual, Annual plant, Annual grass |
一年の計は元旦にあり(いひねんのけいはがんたんにあり-i chi ne n no ke i ha ga n ta n ni a ri) |
The whole year’s plans should be made on New Year’s Day |
一の上(いちのかみ-i chi no ka mi) |
Another name of “Minister of the Left” (official in Nara and Heian periods) |
一の人(いちのひと-i chi no hi to) |
Chief adviser to an Emperor |
一番(いちばん-i chi ba n) |
Number one, First, First place |
一番槍(いちばんやり-i chi ba n ya ri) |
Spearhead of, Being the first to attack the enemy with a spear |
一部(いちぶ-i chi bu) |
Part, Portion, Segment |
一部始終(いちぶしじゅう-i chi bu shi ju u) |
All the details, Whole story, Everything (about), From beginning to end |
一別(いちべつ-i chi be tsu) |
Parting |
一瞥(いちべつ-i chi be tsu) |
Glance, Look in, Glimpse |
一望(いちぼう-i chi bo u) |
Sweeping glance, Unbroken view |
一望千里(いちぼうせんり-i chi bo u se n ri) |
Sweeping view of the eye, Boundless expanse |
一枚看板(いちまいかんばん-i chi ma i ka n ba n) |
Leading player, Prima donna, Box-office star |
一抹(いちまつ-i chi ma tsu) |
① A touch (of sadness, unease, etc), A tinge (of), A hint (of), A wreath (of smoke, cloud, etc), ② A smear (of paint, ink, etc), One stroke (of a brush) |
一味(いちみ-i chi mi) |
① Clan, Partisans, Conspirators, Gang, Ring, Crew, ② Participation (e.g. in a plot), ③ One flavour, One charm |
一名(いちめい-i chi me i) |
① one person, ② Another name, Nickname, Alias |
一命(いちめい-i chi me i) |
A life |
一面(いちめん-i chi me n) |
① One face, One surface, One aspect, One side, ② Whole surface, ③ On the other hand |
一面識(いちめんしき-i chi me n shi ki) |
Passing acquaintance, Bowing acquaintance, Sight acquaintance |
一毛作(いちもうさく-i chi mo u sa ku) |
One-crop system, Single cropping |
一網打尽(いちもうだじん-i chi mo u da ji n) |
Round-up (e.g. of criminals), Wholesale arrest, Catching the whole herd with one throw |
一目(いちもく-i chi mo ku) |
① Glance, Look, Glimpse, ② One stone (in Go game), ③ One eye |
一目(ひとめ-hi to me) |
① Glance, Look, Glimpse, ② Complete view, Bird’s-eye view |
一目散(いちもくさん-i chi mo ku sa n) |
Running at full speed, Going as fast as one can go |
一目瞭然(いちもくりょうぜん-i chi mo ku ryo u ze n) |
Obvious, As clear as day, Plain to see |
一目を置く(いちもくをおく-i chi mo ku wo o ku) |
To show respect and yield to someone who is better than you |
一門(いちもん-i chi mo n) |
① Family, Clan, Kin, ② Sect, School, Adherents, Followers, Disciples |
一問一答(いちもんいっとう-i chi mo n i tto u) |
Series of questions and answers, Dialogue |
一文不通(いちもんふつう-i chi mo n fu tsu u) |
Total illiteracy |
一躍(いちやく-i chi ya ku) |
① One bound, One leap, ② Suddenly (rising to fame etc), Instantly, Immediately |
一揖(いちゆう-i chi yu u) |
Slight bow |
一葉(いちよう-i chi yo u) |
① One leaf, ② One page, One sheet, One card, One photo, ③ One boat |
一葉落ちて天下の秋を知る(いちようおちててんかのあきをしる-i chi yo u o chi te te n ka no a ki wo shi ru) |
A falling leaf shows that autumn has come, A straw will show which way the wind blows |
一様(いちよう-i chi yo u) |
Uniform, Equal, Even, Consistent |
一陽来復(いちようらいふく-i chi yo u ra i fu ku) |
① Winter solstice, ② Return of spring, Long-awaited, Favorable turn of fortune |
一翼(いちよく-i chi yo ku) |
① One wing, ② A role, One part |
一覧(いちらん-i chi ra n) |
① Look, Glance, Sight, Inspection, ② List, Table, Overview, Summary |
一覧表(いちらんひょう-i chi ra n hyo u) |
Summary, Chart, Table, Synoptic table |
一理(いちり-i chi ri) |
Principle, A reason, A point, Some truth |
一利一害(いちりいちがい-i chi ri i chi ga i) |
Advantages and disadvantages, Gain some lose some |
一律(いちりつ-i chi ri tsu) |
Uniformity, Equality, Indistinguishability, Identity, Identicalness |
一里塚(いちりづか-i chi ri du ka) |
Milestone, Milepost |
一流(いちりゅう-i chi ryu u) |
First-class, First-rate, Top-flight, Top-ranking, Leading, Top |
一両(いちりょう-i chi ryo u) |
① One vehicle, ② One ryō (an old Japanese coin) |
一輪(いちりん-i chi ri n) |
① One flower, ② One wheel, ③ Full moon |
一縷(いちる-i chi ru) |
① One thread, ② Slightest connection, Slender connection |
一類(いちるい-i chi ru i) |
Same kind, Accomplices, Companions |
一礼(いちれい-i chi re i) |
One bow, One salute, One greeting |
一例(いちれい-i chi re i) |
An example, An instance |
一連(いちれん-i chi re n) |
① Series, Chain, Sequence, Single string, ② Ream (of paper |
一蓮托生(いちれんたくしょう-i chi re n ta ku sho u) |
Sharing one’s lot with another, Being in the same boat |
一路(いちろ-i chi ro) |
① Straight, Directly, ② Voyage, Journey, Straight road |
一を聞いて十を知る(いちをきいてじゅうをしる-i chi wo ki i te ju u wo shi ru) |
A word is enough to the wise, Half a word to a wise man is enough, To understand everything from only one part |
一家(いっか-i kka) |
A family, A household |
一家言(いっかげん-i kka ge n) |
Private opinion, Personal view, Personal opinion |
一家団欒(いっかだんらん-i kka da n ra n) |
Happy family get-together |
一過(いっか-i kka) |
Passing, Going past, Transient |
一介(いっかい-i kka i) |
Mere, Only a, Nothing but |
一角(いっかく-i kka ku) |
A corner, One section, One point, One part |
一郭(いっかく-i kka ku) |
One block, Enclosure |
一攫千金(いっかくせんきん-i kka ku se n ki n) |
Getting rich quick, Making a killing, Making a fortune at a single stroke |
一括(いっかつ-i kka tsu) |
Lumping together, Summing up, Bundle, Lump, Consolidation |
一喝(いっかつ-i kka tsu) |
① Thundering cry, Loud rebuke, Bark, Roar, ② Rebuke used in Zen to achieve enlightenment |
一巻(いっかん-i kka n) |
① One book, One volume, One roll, ② First volume |
一貫(いっかん-i kka n) |
① Consistency, Coherence, Integration, ② Weight unit (一貫 is about 3.75 kg), ③ One piece of sushi |
一環(いっかん-i kka n) |
① A part (of a plan, campaign, activities, etc), ② Monocyclic |
一気(いっき-i kki) |
One breath |
一気呵成(いっきかせい-i kki ka se i) |
Finishing (writing, work, etc) at a stroke (stretch), Knocking something off without a break |
一期(いっき-i kki) |
① One term, One period, ② First term, First period |
一期(いちご-i chi go) |
One’s whole life, One’s lifetime, Lifetime, Life, Lifespan |
一揆(いっき-i kki) |
Riot and civil commotion, Revolt, Insurgence |
一喜一憂(いっきいちゆう-i kki i chi yu u) |
Alternating between happiness and anxiety, Swinging between joy and sorrow, Being glad and sad by turns, Oscillating between optimism and pessimism |
一掬(いっきく-i kki ku) |
Small amount, Little |
一騎当千(いっきとうせん-i kki to u se n) |
Being a match for a thousand, Being a mighty warrior (combatant, player, etc) |
一挙(いっきょ-i kkyo) |
One effort, One action |
一挙一動(いっきょいちどう-i kkyo i chi do u) |
Every action, Everything one does |
一挙手一投足(いっきょしゅいっとうそく-i kkyo u shu i tto u so ku) |
① One’s every action, Every single move, ② Slight effort, Least trouble, Small amount of work |
一挙両得(いっきょりょうとく-i kkyo ryo u to ku) |
Killing two birds with one stone, Serving two ends |
一匡(いっきょう-i kkyo u) |
Unification of the country, Unification |
一驚を喫する(いっきょうをきっする-i kkyo u wo ki ssu ru) |
Be surprised |
一曲(いっきょく-i kkyo ku) |
A piece of music, A tune |
一系(いっけい-i kkei) |
Single-family lineage |
一計(いっけい-i kkei) |
Plan |
一決(いっけつ-i kke tsu) |
Agreed, Settled |
一件(いっけん-i kke n) |
A matter, One item, One case, An affair |
一見(いっけん-i kke n) |
① Look, Glimpse, Glance, ② Apparently, Seemingly, At first glance |
一間(いっけん-i kke n) |
(Unit of length; 一間 is about 1.8m) |
一軒屋 or 一軒家(いっけんや-i kke n ya) |
① Detached house, Single house, Single building, ② Isolated house, House in isolated location |
一己(いっこ-i kko) |
Personal, Private, oneself |
一顧(いっこ-i kko) |
Slightest notice, Slightest consideration, Slightest attention, A little thought |
一向(いっこう-i kko u) |
① Completely, Absolutely, Totally, ② (Not) at all, (Not) a bit, (Not) in the least |
一行(いっこう-i kko u) |
Party, Group, Troop, Company |
一考(いっこう-i kko u) |
Consideration, Thought |
一興(いっこう-i kko u) |
Occurrence (of something) |
一興(いっきょう-i kkyo u) |
Fun, Brief entertainment, Amusement |
一刻(いっこく-i kko ku) |
① A moment, A minute, An instant, ② Stubborn, Obstinate |
一刻千金(いっこくせんきん-i kko ku se n ki n) |
Every moment is precious, Time is money, Precious time |
一献(いっこん-i kko n) |
A cup of sake |
一切(いっさい-i ssa i) |
① All, Everything, Entirety, Whole, ② At all, In the least, Least bit |
一切衆生(いっさいしゅじょう-i ssa i shu u jo u) |
All sentient beings |
一再(いっさい-i ssa i) |
Not once or twice, Once or twice, Repeatedly |
一策(いっさく-i ssa ku) |
Idea, Plan |
一昨昨日(いっさくさくじつ-i ssa ku sa ku ji tsu) |
Three days ago, Two days before yesterday |
一昨日(いっさくじつ-i ssa ku ji tsu) |
The day before yesterday |
一昨夜(いっさくや-i ssa ku ya) |
Night before last |
一札(いっさつ-i ssa tsu) |
Signed statement, A document, A paper |
一散に(いっさんに-i ssa n ni) |
At top speed, At full speed |
一糸(いっし-u sshi) |
Thread, Strand, String |
一糸纏わぬ(いっしまとわぬ-i sshi ma to wa nu) |
Stark naked |
一糸乱れず(いっしみだれず-i sshi mi da re zu) |
To be in perfect order, In precise order |
一式(いっしき-i sshi ki) |
Complete set, All, Everything |
一子相伝(いっしそうでん-i sshi so u de n) |
Transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to only one child |
一視同仁(いっしどうじん-i sshi n dou ji n) |
Loving every human being with impartiality, Universal brotherhood, Universal benevolence |
一紙半銭(いっしはんせん-i sshi ha n se n) |
Small sum, Things of little value, Mere trifle |
一瀉千里(いっしゃせんり-i ssha se n ri) |
One swift effort, Rush through one’s work, Fast talking or fast writing etc |
一種(いっしゅ-i sshu) |
① A kind, A sort, A species, ② Sort of, Somewhat |
一周(いっしゅう-i sshu u) |
One round, One circuit, One revolution, One lap, One turn |
一周忌(いっしゅうき-i sshu u ki) |
First anniversary of a person’s death |
一週(いっしゅう-i sshu u) |
One week |
一蹴(いっしゅう-i sshu u) |
① Flatly rejecting, Curtly refusing, Brushing aside, ② Beating easily, Defeating handily, ③ One kick (original meaning) |
一宿(いっしゅく-i sshu ku) |
Staying one night |
一宿一飯(いっしゅくいっぱん-i sshu ku i ppa n) |
A night’s lodging and a meal, Being allowed to stay overnight and being served a meal once |
一瞬(いっしゅん-i sshu n) |
Instant, Moment, For an instant |
一緒(いっしょ-i ssho) |
① Together, ② At the same time, ③ Same, Identical |
一生(いっしょう-i ssho u) |
Whole life, Lifetime, All through life, One existence |
一生涯(いっしょうがい-i ssho u ga i) |
Lifetime, One’s whole life, All through life |
一笑(いっしょう-i ssho u) |
Smiling, Smile, Grinning, Grin |
一将功なりて万骨枯る(いっしょうこうなりてばんこつかる-i ssho u ko u na ri te ba n ko tsu ka ru) |
Behind the brilliant achievements of one general, there are many soldiers who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield |
一唱三嘆 or 一倡三歎(いっしょうさんたん-i ssho u sa n ta n) |
One reading (of a poem aloud) leaves one with ceaseless sighs of admiration |
一触即発(いっしょくそくはつ-i ssho ku so ku ha tsu) |
Critical (touch and go) situation, Explosive situation |
一所懸命(いっしょけんめい-i ssho ke n me i) |
① Very hard, With utmost effort, As hard as one can, With all one’s might, Desperately, ② Devoting oneself to one’s territory |
一矢を報いる(いっしをむくいる-i sshi wo mu ku i ru) |
To retaliate, To return a blow, To strike back at, To retort |
一心(いっしん-i sshi n) |
① One mind, ② Wholeheartedness, One’s whole heart |
一心同体(いっしんどうたい-i sshi n do u ta i) |
Being one in body and soul, Of one flesh, Two hearts beating as one |
一心不乱(いっしんふらん-i sshi n fu ra n) |
Wholeheartedly, With heart and soul, Intently, With undivided attention, With intense concentration, Single-mindedly |
一身(いっしん-i sshi n) |
Oneself, One’s body |
一新(いっしん-i sshi n) |
Refurbishment, Complete change, Reform, Restoration, Remodeling, Renewal |
一新紀元(いっしんきげん-i sshi n ki ge n) |
New era, New age |
一審(いっしん-i sshi n) |
First trial, First instance |
一進一退(いっしんいったい-i sshi n i tta i) |
Now advancing and now retreating, Roller-coaster slide and surge, Up and down, Advance and retreat |
一神教(いっしんきょう-i sshi n kyo u) |
Monotheism |
一睡(いっすい-i ssu i) |
Snooze, Drowse, Doze |
一炊の夢(いっすいのゆめ-i ssu i no yu me) |
Empty dream |
一寸(いっすん-i ssu n) |
① A trifle, A bit, A little, More or less, Somewhat, Slightly, For a while, Awhile, ② Unit word for length (1 sun is about 3 cm) |
一寸先は闇(いっすんさきはやみ-i ssu n sa ki wa ya mi) |
No one knows what the future holds, The future is a closed book, One sun (unit of measurement) ahead is darkness |
一寸の光陰(いっすんのこういん-i ssu n no ko u i n) |
A small amount of time |
一寸法師(いっすんぼうし-i ssu n bo u shi) |
Dwarf, Midget, Elf, Tom Thumb, Jack Sprat |
一斉(いっせい-i sse i) |
Simultaneous, All at once |
一世(いっせい or いっせ-i sse i (or) i sse) |
① Generation, Lifetime, ② The first (e.g. Elizabeth I), ③ First-generation |
一世紀(いっせいき-i sse i ki) |
One century |
一世一代(いっせいちだい-i sse i chi da i) |
Once in a lifetime, The first and last occurrence (event, experience) of one’s lifetime |
一夕(いっせき-i sse ki) |
One evening, Some evenings |
一夕話(いっせきわ-i sse ki wa) |
Short story, Short-story writer |
一石(いっせき-i sse ki) |
① One stone, ② One game (of go) |
一石(いっこく-i kko ku) |
One koku (unit word for volume) |
一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう-i sse ki ni cho u) |
Killing two birds with one stone |
一昔(いっせき-i sse ki) |
An age ago, A long time ago, A decade ago |
一席(いっせき-i sse ki) |
① A seat, Sitting, ② Feast, ③ A speech |
一隻(いっせき-i sse ki) |
One boat, One ship |
一隻眼(いっせきがん-i sse ki ga n) |
① Discerning eye, Critical eye, ② One eye |
一節(いっせつ-i sse tsu) |
One passage, One paragraph, One stanza, One verse, One section (of a piece of music), One syllable |
一説(いっせつ-i sse tsu) |
One theory, One opinion, Another theory |
一洗(いっせん-i sse n) |
Thoroughly wash away |
一閃(いっせん-i sse n) |
Flash, A glance of |
一層(いっそう-i sso u) |
① One layer, ② Lowest floor (of a building), ③ Even more, Still more, All the more, ④ Rather, Sooner, Preferably |
一掃(いっそう-i sso u) |
Clean sweep, Purging, Doing away with, Eradication |
一艘(いっそう-i sso u) |
One boat, One ship |
一体(いったい-i tta i) |
① One object, One body, Unity, ② One form, One style, ③ One Buddhist image (or carving etc), ④ What the heck, Why in the world, Who on earth |
一帯(いったい-i tta i) |
① Whole area, Whole region, ② Stretch of land, Tract, Zone |
一旦(いったん-i tta n) |
① Once, ② For a short time, Briefly, Temporarily, ③ One morning |
一端(いったん-i tta n) |
One end, One terminal, A part |
一致(いっち-i cchi) |
Coincidence, Correspondence, Consistency, Agreement, Accord |
一知半解(いっちはんかい-i cchi ha n ka i) |
Superficial knowledge, Half knowledge |
一朝(いっちょう-i ccho u) |
Temporarily, Short period, Once, One morning |
一朝一夕(いっちょういっせき-i ccho u i sse ki) |
In a day, In a brief space of time |
一長一短(いっちょういったん-i ccho u i tta n) |
Merits and demerits, Advantage and disadvantage |
一張羅(いっちょうら-i cchou ra) |
One’s best clothes |
一直線(いっちょくせん-i ccho ku se n) |
Straight line, Beeline |
一対(いっつい-i ttsu i) |
Pair, Couple |
一定(いってい-i tte i) |
Constant, Definite, Uniform, Regularized, Defined, Standardized |
一滴(いってき-i tte ki) |
Drop, Driblet, Drib |
一擲(いってき-i tte ki) |
Casting off, Casting away, Throw out, Fling, Toss away, Discard |
一徹(いってつ-i tte tsu) |
Obstinate, Stubborn, Inflexible |
一天(いってん-i tte n) |
Whole sky, Firmament |
一天万乗(いってんばんじょう-i tte n ba n jo u) |
① Emperor, ② The whole realm |
一途(いっと-i tto) |
The only way, one way, One course |
一途(いちず-i chi zu) |
Wholehearte, Earnest, Determined, Intent, Single-minded, Straightforward, Devoted to, Doing nothing but |
一統(いっとう-i tto u) |
① Whole, Unit, ② Lineage, Unification, All of you |
一等(いっとう-i tto u) |
① First class, First rank, First grade, First place, First prize, ② One degree, One level, One grade, ③ Most, Best |
一等親(いっとうしん-i tto u shi n) |
First-degree relative, Member of one’s immediate family |
一等星(いっとうせい-i tto u se i) |
Star of the first magnitude |
一頭地を抜く(いっとうちをぬく-i tto u chi wo nu ku) |
To tower above one’s contemporaries, To cut a conspicuous figure, To be by far the best |
一得一失(いっとくいっしつ-i tto ku i sshi tsu) |
Gaining some and losing some, Advantages and disadvantages |
一頓挫(いっとんざ-i tto n za) |
A setback, A standstill, An impasse |
一派(いっぱ-i ppa) |
A school, A sect, A party |
一杯(いっぱい-i ppa i) |
① One cup of, One glass of, One bowl of, Cupful, ② Full, Filled with, Crowded, Packed, ③ One boat |
一敗地に塗る(いっぱいちにまみる-i ppa i chi ni ma mi ru) |
Be thoroughly defeated and one can’t stand up again |
一般(いっぱん-i ppa n) |
① General, Universal, ② Ordinary, Average, Common, Non-celebrity, ③ No different, Just as if |
一斑(いっぱん-i ppa n) |
The view of a part |
一斑を見て全豹を卜す(いっぱんをみてぜんぴょうをぼくす-i ppa n wo mi te ze n hyo u wo bo ku su) |
You may know by a handful the whole sack |
一匹(いっぴき-i ppi ki) |
① One animal, ② Two-tan of cloth |
一筆(いっぴつ-i ppi tsu) |
① One stroke (of a brush), ② Note, Short letter, (Dropping) a line, ③ Writing in one go, ④ Same handwriting |
一筆啓上(いっぴつけいじょう-i ppi tsu ke i jo u) |
(Use this word at the beginning a brief letter)This will just be a short note, I’m writing to tell you |
一瓢(いっぴょう-i ppyo u) |
① One gourd, ② Small drink (esp. of sake) |
一品(いっぴん-i ppi n) |
① Item, Article, ② Dish, Course, ③ Finest item |
一品料理(いっぴんりょうり-i ppi n ryo u ri) |
① An à‐la‐carte dish, ② Single dish eaten by itself (without side dishes) |
一貧洗うが如し (or 赤貧洗うが如し) (いっぴんあらうがごとし-i ppi n a ra u ga go to shi) |
Extremely poor as if washed away everything |
一顰一笑(いっぴんいっしょう-i ppi n i ssho u) |
One’s mood, One’s caprice, A smile or a frown |
一夫(いっぷ-i ppu) |
A man, A husband |
一封(いっぷう-i ppu u) |
Sealed letter, sealed document, Enclosure |
一服(いっぷく-i ppu ku) |
① A dose, ② A puff, ③ A smoke, ④ Lull, Short rest |
一幅(いっぷく-i ppu ku) |
A scroll |
一腹(いっぷく-i ppu ku) |
Being born of the same mother |
一片(いっぺん-i ppe n) |
A piece, A scrap, A fragment, A bit, One leaf, One petal, A piece (of paper), A flake (of snow) |
一変(いっぺん-i ppe n) |
Complete change |
一遍(いっぺん-i ppe n) |
Once, One time |
一辺倒(いっぺんとう-i ppe n to u) |
Complete devotion to one side, Unvarying support for |
一本(いっぽん-i ppo n) |
① One long cylindrical thing, One film and TV show etc, Home run etc, ② One book, A certain book, ③ Ippon, One point, A blow (in Judo, Kendo etc) |
一本気(いっぽんぎ-i ppo n gi) |
Single‐minded, One-track mind |
一本槍(いっぽんやり-i ppo n ya ri) |
One’s sole talent, One’s only forte, Sticking to one thing (method, principle, objective etc), Focusing solely on, Devotion to, Single spear |
一際(ひときわ-hi to ki wa) |
Conspicuously, Noticeably, Remarkably, Strikingly, Outstandingly, Especially, Particularly |
一筋(ひとすじ-hi to su ji) |
① One line, One stretch (e.g. of road), One strand (e.g. of hair), One beam (e.g. of light), One ray, One length (e.g. of rope), ② Earnest, Resolute, Intent, Devoted, Single-minded, ③ One bloodline, One clan |
一筋縄(ひとすじなわ-hi to su ji na wa) |
① A piece of rope, ② Ordinary method |
一粒種(ひとつぶだね-hi to tsu bu da ne) |
An only child |
一旗揚げる(ひとはたあげる-hi to ha ta a ge ru) |
To make a name for oneself, To achieve success |
画一(かくいつ-ka ku i tsu) |
Uniformity, Standardization |
帰一(きいつ-ki i tsu) |
United into one |
均一(きんいつ-ki n i tsu) |
Uniformity, Homogeneous, Homogeneity |
随一(ずいいち-zu i i chi) |
Greatest, First, Number one |
専一(せんいつ-se n i tsu) |
Exclusively, Single‐mindedly, Earnestly, Devotedly |
単一(たんいつ-ta n i tsu) |
Single, Simple, Sole, Unitary |
逐一(ちくいち-chi ku i chi) |
One by one, In detail, Minutely, Thoroughly, Exhaustively |
統一(とういつ-to u i tsu) |
Integration, Unification, Unity, Uniformity, Consolidation |
不一(ふいつ or ふいち-fu i tsu (or) fu i chi) |
① Very sincerely yours, ② Different, Unevenness |
万一(まんいち or まんいつ-ma n i chi (or) ma n i tsu) |
By some chance, By some possibility, In the unlikely event that, (Unlikely event of) emergency, Worst (case scenario), 10000 to 1 |