0012-Jouyou-kanji “安” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Calm” or “Peaceful” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “安”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “安” means “Be at ease”, “Inexpensive” or “Easy” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "安"

Jouyou Kanji “安”

Jouyou Kanji "安" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “安” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi あん(an)
Kun-Yomi やす(い)(yasu(i))
Meanings Calm, Peaceful, Gentle, Moderate
Be at ease, Contented
Cheap, Inexpensive
Easy, Simple

Kanji words which contain Kanji “安”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
安易(あんい-a n i) Easy, Simple, Easygoing, Lighthearted, Simplistic, Irresponsible, Careless, Quick (to do)
安逸 or 安佚(あんいつ-a n i tsu) Ease, Idleness, Leisureliness, Repose
安価(あんか-a n ka) Cheap, Inexpensive, Low-priced, Affordable, Low-cost, Low-priced
安臥(あんが-a n ga) Quiet rest, Sleeping in a comfortable position
安閑(あんかん-a n ka n) Relaxed, Easygoing, Peaceful, Calm, Comfortable
安危(あんき-a n ki) Safety and Danger, Whether it is safe or dangerous, Fate
安居(あんきょ-a n kyo) ① Easy life, ② Safe residence, ③ Being satisfied one’s own position
安康(あんこう-a n ko u) Calm and peaceful
安産(あんざん-a n za n) Easy delivery, Safe delivery
安山岩(あんざんがん-a n za n ga n) Andesite
安住(あんじゅう-a n ju u) ① Peaceful living, Living in peace, Living a quiet life, ② Being content with one’s present position, Being satisfied with one’s lot
安心(あんしん-a n shi n) Relief, Freedom from care, Peace of mind, Have no anxiety
安静(あんせい-a n se i) Rest, Repose
安全(あんぜん-a n ze n) Safety, Security
安全器(あんぜんき-a n ze n ki) Cutout, Circuit breaker
安全地帯(あんぜんちたい-a n ze n chi ta i) Safety zone, Safety island
安全燈(or 灯)(あんぜんとう-a n ze n to u) Safety lamp
安全弁(あんぜんべん-a n ze n be n) Safety valve, Relief valve, Pressure relief valve
安全保障(あんぜんほしょう-a n ze n ho sho u) National security, Security
安息(あんそく-a n so ku) Repose, Rest
安息日(あんそくび-a n so ku bi) Sabbath, The day of rest
安打(あんだ-a n da) Safe hit, Hitting
安泰(あんたい-a n ta i) Security, Surety, Peace, Welfare, Quiet, Tranquility
安置(あんち-a n chi) ① To keep (a thing) in a certain place, ② Enshrinement
安着(あんちゃく-a n cha ku) Safe arrival
安直(あんちょく-a n cho ku) ① Inexpensive, Cheap, ② Simple, Easy
安定(あんてい-a n te i) Stability, Steadiness, Consistency, Equilibrium
安堵(あんと-a n to) Living safely surrounded by walls
安堵(あんど-a n do) Relief, Reassurance
安寧(あんねい-a n ne i) Public peace, Stability, Tranquillity
安穏(あんのん or あんおん-a n o n (or) a n no n) Peace, Quiet, Tranquility
安否(あんぴ-a n pi) Degree of safety of something, State of health, How one is
安民(あんみん-a n mi n) To enable people to live with peace of mind, To stabilize the people by giving safety circumstance
安眠(あんみん-a n mi n) Sound sleep, Good sleep, Quiet sleep
安楽(あんらく-a n ra ku) Comfort, Ease, Unworried, Carefree
安楽椅子(あんらくいす-a n ra ku i su) Armchair, Easy chair
安請け合い(やすうけあい-ya su u ke ai) Easy promise, Promising without due consideration
安手(やすで-ya su de) Cheap kind, Inexpensive, Cheap
安値(やすね-ya su ne) Low price
安普請(やすぶしん-ya su bu shi n) Jerry‐built house, Cheaply built house, Inexpensive structure
安物(やすもの-ya su mo no) Cheap article, Poor quality article
慰安(いあん-i a n) Comfort, Consolation, Solace
格安(かくやす-ka ku ya su) Bargain price, Very) cheap, Very inexpensive, Cut-price
公安(こうあん-ko u a n) Public peace, Public safety, Public security
大安(たいあん-ta i a n) Lucky day, Auspicious day, Most auspicious day in the six‐day Buddhist calendar
治安(ちあん-chi a n) Public peace and order, Public order, Law and order
平安(へいあん-he i a n) Peace, Tranquility, Calmness
保安(ほあん-ho a n) Security, Protection, Preservation of public peace, Maintenance of public security
目安(めやす-me ya su) ① Guideline, Benchmark, Yardstick, Standard, ② Rough estimate, Approximation


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