“案” Related Japanese Kanji Words and Images

案内- Kanji for guidance

The Japanese kanji word “案内 (あんない-annai)” means guidance. 私が案内しましょう(watashi ga annai shimashou) – I’ll guide you.

The Japanese kanji word “案 (あん-an)” (#13 in my Jouyou kanji list) has meanings idea or desk even though we usually use “机” for desk. Here are some Japanese kanji words in which the kanji character 案 is contained.

案山子 (かかし-kakashi) means “scarecrow”.

立案 (りつあん-ritsuan) means “creating new plan or idea”. We use this word like a following example; この計画は彼の立案です (kono keikaku ha kare no ritsuan desu)-This plan was submitted by him.

考案 (こうあん-kouan) means “design or plan”. We use this word like a following example; この装置は彼が考案しました (kono souchi ha kare ga kouan shimashita)-This equipment was designed by him.

草案 (そうあん-souan) means “draft”. We use this word like a following example; これははまだ草案の段階です (kore ha mada souan no dankai desu)-This is still draft stage.

Kanji Stroke Order for 案内

Japanese Word for Guidance

Stroke Order for 案内


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