If you have any experience to talk with Japanese people with Japanese language, provably you have heard the word “sugoi” from them. This word is so popular especially among yong Japanese people.
The Kanji “凄(セイ-sei, すさまじい-susamajii, すごい-sugoi)” has meaning “beyond imagination” in good and bad aspects. So “凄い(すごい-sugoi)” is often translated as “amazing” or “splendid” (same as 素晴らしい(すばらしい-subarashii)), but also this Japanese word has bad or terrible aspects like the following latter two examples;
- 凄い人(すごいひと-sugoi hito); The meaning of this phrase is “amazing person”.
- 凄い技術(すごいぎじゅつ-sugoi gijutsu); The meaning of this phrase is “amazing technology”.
- 凄い事件(すごいじけん-sugoi jiken); The meaning of this phrase is “terrible incident”.
- 凄い津波(すごいつなみ-sugoi tsunami); The meaning of this phrase is “huge tsunami or destructive tsunami”. As you can understand in this example, the word “tsunami” is a Japanese ward. Not original English.