Images of Japanese Words
- Abalone
- Abdomen
- Abyss
- Acceptance
- Accession
- Accomplishment
- Accumulation
- Achievement
- Action
- Activity
- Actor
- Actress
- Actuality
- Acute
- Adaptation
- Addiction
- Addition
- Address
- Adequate
- Adhere
- Adhesion
- Adjacent
- Adjective
- Adjournment
- Adjust
- Administration
- Admiration
- Adorn
- Adventure
- Adverb
- Adversary
- Adversity
- Advertising
- Advice
- Aesthetic
- Affair
- Affection
- After
- Again
- Agility
- Air
- Airplane
- Alien
- Allegiance
- Althea
- Ambition
- America
- Amity
- Amusement
- Analysis
- Anatomy
- Ancestor
- Ancient
- Anecdote
- Anew
- Angel
- Anger
- Angle
- Angry
- Anguish
- Animosity
- Answer
- Ant
- Antagonist
- Antenna
- Anthology
- Apocalypse
- Apology
- Apple
- Appreciation
- Approximate
- Apricot
- April
- Apron
- Aquarius
- Arabia
- Arbitrary
- Argentina
- Aries
- Arm
- Arrest
- Arrogance
- Arrow
- Art
- Artificiality
- Artist
- Asceticism
- Asia
- Asian Carp
- Aspiration
- Assassin
- Assumption
- Assure
- Astonishment
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Atheist
- Athlete
- Atlantic Ocean
- Attitude
- Audacity
- August
- Autumn
- Avarice
- Awe
- Azalea
- Baby
- Back
- Back Side
- Bad Guy
- Bad Influence
- Badness
- Balance
- Balloon Flower
- Baptism
- Battle
- Beast
- Beauty, 2
- Bed
- Beef
- Beetle
- Befall
- Before
- Beg
- Begin
- Beginner
- Beginning
- Beguile
- Behavior
- Belief
- Bell Flower
- Belly
- Beloved Wife
- Benefit
- Benevolence
- Best Friend
- Betrayal
- Beyond Imagination
- Birth
- Black
- Black Panther
- Black Pepper
- Black Sheep
- Black Swan
- Bladder
- Blessing
- Blind
- Bliss
- Blood
- Blue
- Body
- Bold
- Bonds
- Bonito
- Bookmarker
- Bouquet
- Bow
- Braid
- Brain
- Branch
- Brand
- Brass
- Brave
- Bravery
- Broken Heart
- Brook
- Brow
- Brown
- Brute
- Buddha
- Buddhism
- Buddhism Enlightenment
- Buddhist
- Burden
- Bushi-Dou
- Butterfly
- Butterfly Bush
- Cactus
- Cage
- Calamity
- Calligraphy
- Calm
- Camellia
- Camouflage
- Cancer
- Cannon
- Caprice
- Capricorn
- Captain
- Captive
- Car
- Caravan
- Carbon
- Carnation
- Carp
- Cat
- Catfish
- Cavalier
- Cavalry
- Cave
- Cavity
- Cease
- Ceiling
- Celebration
- Celebrity
- Celestial
- Cencury
- Chair
- Challenge
- Chance
- Change
- Channel
- Chaos
- Character
- Charcoal
- Charity
- Charm
- Cheap Goods
- Cheat
- Cheek
- Cheer
- Chemistry
- Cherry
- Chest
- Chicken
- Chill
- Chinese Peony
- Christmas Eve
- Chrysanthemum
- Circumstance
- Civilization
- Clan
- Clarity
- Cleanliness
- Clerical Lobes
- Clever Student
- Clinic
- Closure
- clothings
- Cocks-Comb
- Cod
- Coercion
- Collision
- Colon
- Colonel
- Color
- Comet
- Comfort
- Comic
- Commander
- Common Sense
- Communication
- Comparison
- Compassion
- Completion
- Concentration
- Conclusion
- Condition
- Confederate Rose
- Confession
- Confidence
- Conformity
- Confusion
- Congratulations
- Conqueror
- Conscience
- Consciousness
- Consideration
- Conspicuous
- Conspiracy
- Conspire
- Constant
- Constellation
- Construction
- Consummate Skill
- Contentment
- Contradiction
- Contrast
- Control
- Convention
- Conviction
- Cooperation
- Cormorant
- Corruption
- Cosmos
- Courage
- Courtesy
- Coward
- Crab
- Crane
- Crape myrtle
- Craters
- Creation
- Creativity
- Creed
- Crescent
- Crime
- Criminal
- Crisis
- Crow
- Crown
- Cruelty
- Crystal
- Culture
- Curiosity
- Curse
- Cursive Script
- Damage
- Dance
- Dancer
- Dandelion
- Danger
- Dark Ages
- Dark Clouds
- Darkness
- Daughter
- Dawn
- Death
- December
- Deception
- Decline
- Dedication
- Deep Impression
- Deer
- Defender
- Defense
- Degeneration
- Degradation
- Delight
- Delusion
- Demon
- Deposit
- Desire
- Desk
- Despair
- Destiny
- Destruction
- Detail
- Deterioration
- Determination
- Devil
- Devotion
- Dictionary
- Difference
- Difficult Situation
- Dignity,2
- Diligence
- Dinosaur
- Direction
- Discipline
- Discovery
- Disgrace
- Dishonor
- Disillusion
- Distribution
- Divine Protection
- Division
- Divorce
- Doctor
- Doll
- Dolphin
- Domain
- Dome
- Domestic
- Domination
- Down Side
- Draft
- Dragon
- Dragonfly
- Dream
- Dreamer
- Drifter
- Duck
- Dusk
- Duty
- Dwarf Azalea
- Dynasty
- Eagle
- Ear
- Earnestly
- Earth
- East
- Eastern Asia Zodiac
- Easy
- Easy Delivery
- Ecstasy
- Edge
- Edification
- Eel
- Effort
- Egg
- Elder brother
- Elder sister
- Elegance
- Elegy
- Elimination
- Eloquence
- Emaciation
- Emergency
- Emoji
- Emotion
- Empathy
- Emperor
- Empty
- Encounter
- Encouragement
- Endurance
- Engraving
- Enjoy
- Enlargement
- Enlighten
- Enormous
- Enough
- Enterprise
- Entertainer
- Enthusiasm
- Entrustment
- Environment
- Envoy
- Envy
- Eon
- Epigraph
- Epoch
- Equal
- Equality
- Era
- Essence
- Estimation
- Estuary
- Eternity
- Ethics
- Etiquette
- Even
- Evening
- Evening Primrose
- Event
- Eventually
- Evergreen
- Everlasting
- Evermore
- Every Other Week
- Evidence
- Evil
- Evil Spirit
- Evolution
- Excellence
- Except
- Exceptional Talent
- Excess
- Excitement
- Excuse Me
- Execution
- Exile
- Existence
- Experience
- Exploration
- Explosion
- Eye
- Eyelids
- Fable
- Fairness
- Fairy
- Faith, 2
- Faithfulness
- Faithlessness
- Falcon
- Family
- Fantasy,2
- Fascination
- Fate
- Father
- Fatherland
- Favorite
- Fear
- Fearless
- Feast
- Feat
- Feather
- Feature
- February
- Female Doctor
- Fertility
- Fidelity
- Field Poppy
- Fierceness
- Fifty-fifty
- Fighter
- Fighting Spirit
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Firefighter
- Firework
- Firm Belief
- First Lieutenant
- Fish
- Fisherman
- Fixed Star
- Flame
- Flexibility
- Flounder
- Flower
- Flower Garden
- Flowering Crab Apple
- Flowering Dogwood
- Fluffy Kitten
- Fluffy Puppy
- Focus
- Fog
- Font
- Fool
- Foot
- Forbearance
- Force
- Forehead
- Forever
- Foreign country
- Foresight
- Forget-Me-Not
- Forgiveness
- Fortitude
- Fortress
- Founder
- Fox
- Free
- Freely
- Friday
- Friend
- Friendship
- Frivolity
- Frog
- Front Side
- Fruit
- Fulfillment
- Fume
- Fun
- Function
- Fund
- Fundamental
- Funeral
- Funny
- Furious
- Furnace
- Furniture
- Future
- Gain
- Galaxy
- Gallant
- Gallbladder
- Gallery
- Gallows
- Gambler
- Gardenia
- Gemini
- General(military)
- Generosity
- Genius
- Gentleman
- Genuine
- Ghost
- Gift
- Ginger
- Gladiator
- Glory
- Goblin
- God
- God for Love
- Goddess
- Golden Bells
- Good-bye
- Good Luck
- Goodness
- Good Omen
- Goose
- Gorgeous
- Grace
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Gratitude
- Grave
- Gravity
- Gray
- Great
- Greathearted
- Greatness
- Great work
- Greed
- Green
- Greenhouse
- Grief
- Grimness
- Ground
- Guard
- Guardian Spirit
- Guess
- Guidance
- Guilt
- Gun Powder
- Gymnastics
- Hades
- Hair
- Half
- Half and Half
- Hallucination
- Hand
- Handcuffs
- Handle
- Happiness
- Harbor
- Hardship
- Hardy Begonia
- Harmony
- Hat
- Hatchet
- Hate
- Hatred, 2
- Haunt
- Hawk
- Haze
- Head
- Health
- Heart
- Heartlessness
- Heaven
- Hell
- Herald
- Hero
- Heron
- Herring
- Hesitation
- High Ranking
- Hill
- Hindrance
- Hip
- Hobby
- Holy Spirit
- Home
- Honesty
- Honey Bee
- Honey suckle
- Honor
- Hope
- Horror
- Hospital
- Hostility
- House
- Humiliation
- Hunter
- Husband
- Husband and Wife
- Hydrangea
- I
- Ideal
- Idealism
- Illusion
- Imagination
- Immigration
- Immortality
- Immutability
- Impact
- Importance
- Improvement
- Incarnation
- Income
- Incompetence
- Independence
- Indian Ocean
- Indicator
- Individuality
- Inexplicable
- Infantry
- Infatuation
- Infinity
- Influence
- Initiative
- Innocence
- Innovation
- Inquiry
- Insanity
- Insight
- Inspection
- Inspiration
- Instinct
- Instrument
- Intelligence
- Intrigue
- Intuition
- Invasion
- Invention
- Invincibility
- Invitation
- Iris
- Iron Fist
- Iron man
- Isolation
- Jade
- January
- Japanese Language
- Jaw
- Jealousy
- Jesus
- Jewel
- Journey
- Joys and Sorrows
- July
- June
- Jupiter
- Justice
- Kaleidoscope
- Karate
- Karma
- Key
- Kidney
- Kids
- Killer Whale
- Kindness
- King
- Kingdom
- Kitchen
- Kite
- Kitty
- Knight
- Knowledge
- Kyouto
- Knowledge
- Labor
- Labyrinth
- Lack
- Lady
- Land
- Latency
- Laziness
- Leadership
- Leap
- Leather
- Lecture
- Left
- Leg
- Legacy
- Legend, 2, 3
- Leo
- Liberator
- Libra
- Librarian
- Lie
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Life
- Lifetime
- Lightning
- Lily
- Lily of the Valley
- Lion
- Liver
- Lizard
- Logic
- Loneliness
- Lone Wolf
- Longevity
- Lore
- Lotus
- Love
- Lover
- Loyalty
- Lunar Eclipse
- Lunatic
- Lung
- Lust
- Mackerel
- Magic
- Magic Spell
- Maid
- Majestic
- Majesty
- Major
- Mankind
- Manner
- Maple
- March
- Marigold
- Mark
- Marriage
- Mars
- Martial Arts
- Marvel
- Mason
- Masquerade
- Mass
- Massacre
- Mast
- Master
- Maxim
- May
- Meditation
- Memory
- Menace
- Mercury
- Mercy
- Merit
- Messiah
- Midnight
- Military
- Milk
- Milky Way,2
- Mill
- Millionaire
- Miniature
- Miracle
- Mirage
- Mirror
- Mirth
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Mission
- Mist
- Misunderstanding
- Modesty
- Moisture
- Mole
- Moment
- Monarch
- Monastery
- Monday
- Mood
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Morality
- Morning Dew
- Morning Glory
- Mother
- Mouth
- Moving
- Murder
- Music
- Mute
- Mystery
- Myth
- Mythology
- Nail
- Name
- Names of Recipient
- Nap
- Nara
- Narcissus
- Nature
- Navel
- Neck
- Negligence
- Neptune
- Neutrality
- Newcomer
- Nickname
- Nightmare
- Ninja
- Nirvana
- Nobility
- Noise
- North
- Nose
- Nothing
- Nourishment
- November
- Number One
- Nurse
- Oar
- Oath
- Obedience
- Oblivion
- Observatory
- Observe
- Observer
- Obstacle
- Obstinacy
- Obstinate
- Obstruct
- Obstruction
- Obtain
- Obvious
- Occasion
- Occasionally
- Occupation
- Occupy
- Occur
- Occurrence
- Ocean
- O’clock
- October
- Octopus
- Odd
- Odds
- Odor
- Offense
- Offer
- Office
- Officer
- Official
- Often
- Old Hand
- Omen
- Omniscience
- Opinion
- Optimism
- Orange
- Orchid
- Organ
- Origami
- Originality
- Ostrich
- Outbreak
- Outcast
- Outlaw
- Outline
- Outward
- Overload
- Overthrow
- Overturn
- Overwhelming
- Overwhelming Victory
- Overwork
- Owe
- Owl
- Owner
- Ownership
- Ox
- Oyster
- Pancreas
- Pacific Ocean
- Pain
- Painter
- Pansy
- Paradise
- Pardon
- Passion
- Past
- Patience
- Patriotism
- Patronage
- Peace
- Peacemaker
- Peace of Mind
- Peacock
- Perception
- Perfect
- Performance
- Perhaps
- Permanence
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Personality
- Persuasion
- Perverseness
- Phantom
- Pheasant
- Philanthropy
- Philosophy
- Phoenix
- Piety
- Pigeon
- Pilgrim
- Pilot
- Pink
- Pirate
- Pisces
- Pity
- Planet
- Plateau
- Pluto
- Poem (Poetry)
- Poet
- Poison
- Police Officer
- Polygon
- Portulaca
- Posture
- Potential
- Power
- Powerful Enemy
- Prayer
- Precious
- Prejudice
- Present
- Pressure
- Pressure power
- Prestige
- Prevention
- Pride
- Prince
- Princess
- Principle
- Progress
- Promise
- Promotion
- Proof
- Prophecy
- Prosperity
- Protection
- Protector
- Prudence
- Ptarmigan
- Punishment
- Pure
- Pure Love
- Purple
- Purpose
- Rabbit
- Rage
- Railroad
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Trout
- Rebel
- Recipient Address
- Recommendation
- Rectangle
- Rectum
- Red
- Reformation
- Refuge
- Refugee
- Registration
- Regret
- Reliability
- Religion
- Religious Faith
- Relish
- Renegade
- Repair
- Repetition
- Representative
- Repulsion
- Reputation
- Residence
- Resignation
- Resilience
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Restoration
- Retort
- Revenge
- Reverence
- Reversal
- Revival
- Revolt
- Revolution
- Reward
- Rhododendron
- Riddle
- Right
- Riot
- Risk
- Rite
- Rival
- River
- Road
- Roar
- Rock
- Rose
- Royalty
- Rural
- Sacred
- Sacred Fire
- Sacrifice
- Sad Feeling
- Safety
- Sagittarius
- Sailor
- Saint
- Sale
- Salmon
- Salt
- Samurai
- Sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Sanity
- Sardine
- Saturday
- Saturn
- Sazanka Camellia
- Scandal
- Scarecrow
- Scorpio
- Scoundrel
- Sea
- Seagull
- Seasonings
- Second Lieutenant
- Secret
- Secret Codes
- Security
- Seek
- Seethe
- Segment
- Selection
- Self-awareness
- Self-Confidence
- Self-content
- Self-Control
- Self-Defense
- Sentiment
- September
- Serenity
- Sergeant
- Serious Affair
- Shadow
- Shake Hand
- Shame
- Shark
- Shellfish
- Shooting Star
- Short Temper
- Shoulder
- Shrimp
- Shrine
- Shrink
- Sigh
- Sign
- Silence
- Simplicity
- Sincerity
- Singer
- Skull
- Sky
- Slave
- Sleeve
- Slum
- Slump
- Sly
- Smack
- Small
- Small intestine
- Smart
- Smash
- Smell
- Smile
- Snake
- Snapper
- Snipe
- Sniper
- Soldier
- Solitude
- Son
- Song
- Sorrow
- Soul
- South
- Sparrow
- Special
- Speculation
- Speech
- Speed
- Speedy
- Spell
- Spelling
- Spend
- Sphere
- Spider
- Spirit
- Spiritual Awakening
- Spiritual Psychic
- Spiritual Strength
- Spiritual World
- Splendor
- Spring
- Square
- Squid
- Star
- Statesman
- Status
- Statute
- Stay
- Steadfast
- Steady
- Steal
- Steam
- Steel
- Steep
- Stigma
- Stillness
- Stomach
- Storm
- Strange
- Strawberry
- Strength
- Struggle
- Stubbornness
- Sublimity
- Substitute
- Subtropical Zones
- Success
- Suger
- Summer
- Sun
- Sunday
- Sunflower
- Sunlight
- Superman
- Supernatural Power
- Superstition
- Supper
- Suppression
- Surplus
- Surprise
- Surroundings
- Survivor
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swear
- Sweetheart
- Swoon
- Swoop
- Sword
- Swordsman
- Symbol
- Sympathy
- Synonym
- Table
- Taboo
- Tacit Understanding
- Talent
- Talented Girl
- Talented Lady
- Talented Person
- Tattoo
- Taurus
- Teacher
- Tear
- Technique
- Temperature
- Temptation
- Tendency
- Test
- Testament
- Testify
- Testimony
- Theory
- Thief
- Thigh
- Thistle
- Thought, 2
- Threat
- Thunder
- Thursday
- Tiger
- Title
- Toddler
- Tomb
- Tongue
- Tooth
- Torch
- Tornado
- Torrent
- Torture
- Touch-Me-Not
- Tourist
- Tradition, 2
- Tragedy
- Tranquility, 2
- Transformation
- Transparent
- Transplant
- Transport
- Trap
- Traveler
- Treasure
- Tribulation
- Trinity
- Triumph
- Triumphant
- Troop
- Trust
- Truth
- Tsunami
- Tuesday
- Tuna
- Twilight
- Twins
- Typhoon
- Umbrella
- Unconstitutional
- Understanding
- Unique
- Uniqueness
- Unit
- Unite
- Unity
- Universality
- Universe
- University
- Unjust
- Unkind
- Unknown
- Upper Side
- Uproar
- Upside
- Uranus
- Urban
- Usage
- Useful
- Usually
- Vague
- Valve
- Vampire
- Vanish
- Vanity
- Vapor
- Variation
- Variety
- Various
- Vegetarian
- Velocity
- Vent
- Venus
- Verification
- Veteran
- Veterinarian
- Vibration
- Vicious Mind
- Vicissitude
- Victor
- Victory
- Vigilance
- Village
- Villain
- Vindictiveness
- Violation
- Violence
- Violet
- Viper
- Virgo
- Virtual
- Virtue
- Vision
- Volcanoes
- Volunteer
- Vow
- Voyage
- Waft
- Wage
- Waiver
- Walking Dictionary
- War
- Warning
- Warrior
- Washing
- Waste
- Watch
- Watchman
- Water
- Waterfall
- Water lily
- Wave
- Way
- We
- Weak
- Wealth
- Weather
- Wedding
- Wednesday
- Weed
- Weight
- Weird
- Welcome
- Welfare
- Well
- West
- Wharf
- What
- Wheat
- Wheel
- Whim
- White
- white Tiger
- Why
- Wife
- Will
- Wild
- Wing
- Winner
- Winter
- Winter Daphne
- Winter Sweet
- Wisdom
- Wise Man
- Witch
- Witchcraft
- Wolf
- Wolf-man
- Wonder, 2
- Wonderful
- Woodpecker
- Word
- Workshop
- World
- Worship
- Worth
- Wriggle
- Wring
- Wrinkle
- Wrist
- Write
- Writhe
- Wrong
- Yarn
- Yawn
- Yearn
- Yeast
- Yell
- Yellow
- Yellowtail
- Yesterday
- You
- Younger brother
- Younger sister
- Young Warrior
- Youth