Japanese Word Images for “Ninja”

Japanese Word Images for “Ninja”

Japanese Word for Ninja

忍者 means Ninja

A few hundred years ago we had some specially skilled peoples In Japan. We called them “Ninja”. Mainly they worked for feudal lords as spies or assassins by using their special skills.

Anyway we use this kanji word “忍者(にんじゃ-ninja)” for “Ninja”. And we use the words “忍術(にんじゅつ-ninjutsu)”, “忍法(にんぽう-ninpou)” or “忍びの術(しのびのじゅつ-shinobinojutsu)” for their special skills (ninja arts). And the area where these ninjas were grown up, we call “忍びの里(しのびのさと-shinobinosato)”.

Japanese Word for Ninja Arts

忍術 means Ninja Arts

Japanese Word for Ninja Arts

忍法 means Ninja Arts

Japanese Word for Ninja Arts

忍びの術 means Ninja Arts

Japanese Word for Ninja Village

忍びの里 means Ninja Village

Kanji Stroke Order for 忍者

Stroke Order for 忍者

Stroke Order for 忍者


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