In Japan usually we use Arabic Numbers in our daily life but also we still use Japanese Kanji numbers in several cases especially when the sentences are written in vertically. Here I’ll show you how to count numbers in Japan and Japanese Kanji Numbers.
- 0 — 零(ぜろ)
- 1 — 一(いち)
- 2 — 二 (に)
- 3 — 三 (さん)
- 4 — 四 (し)
- 5 — 五 (ご)
- 6 — 六 (ろく)
- 7 — 七 (なな)
- 8 — 八 (はち)
- 9 — 九 (きゅう)
- 10 — 十 (じゅう)
- 100 — 百 (ひゃく)
- 1,000 — 千 (せん)
- 10,000 — 万 (まん)
- 100,000,000 — 億 (おく)
- 1,000,000,000,000 — 兆 (ちょう)
一(1) through十(10) we have several pronounce ways for each number but on this post I showed most popular pronunciation way for these each number. If you have interest, please refer by yourself or send me email.
Counting examples;
- 15 – 十五(じゅうご)
- 36 – 三十六(さんじゅうろく)
- 108 – 百八(ひゃくはち)
- 432 – 四百三十二(よんひゃくさんじゅうに)
- 1,009 – 千九(せんきゅう)
- 7,281 – 七千二百八十一(ななせんにひゃくはちじゅういち)
- 17,324 – 一万七千三百二十四(いちまんななせんさんびゃくにじゅうよん)
- 45,672,319 – 四千五百六十七万二千三百十九(よんせんごひゃくろくじゅうななまんにせんさんびゃくじゅうきゅう)
- 123,456,789 – 一億二千三百四十五万六千七百八十九(いちおくにせんさんびゃくよんじゅうごまんろくせんななひゃくはちじゅうきゅう)
- 1,234,567,891,234 – 一兆二千三百四十五億六千七百八十九万千二百三十四(いっちょうにせんさんびゃくよんじゅうごおくろくせんななひゃくはちじゅうきゅうまんせんにひゃくさんじゅうよん)
Schönen guten Tag
ich suche die Kanjin für den Namen –Mourski–
Wäre es möglich ihn bei euch üpberstzten zu lassen.
Für eine baldige Antwort würde ich mich sehr Freuen
Liebe Grüsse Alex
Hello Alexander
I’m not sure the pronunciation of “Mourski”.
And so I guess pronunciation of it as “morusuki”.
And the Kanji word “盛寿紀” is for “morusuki”.
The Kanji “盛” has a meaning of “prosperous” and the Kanji “寿” has a meaning of “congratulation” and the Kanji “紀” has a meaning of “beginning”.
I’ll send the Kanji image “盛寿紀” via email soon.
H. Tanaka