“Order” or “Command” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “令”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “令” means “Rule”, “Cabinet order” or “Secretary of the area” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “令”

Jouyou Kanji “令” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
5 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
れい(rei) |
りょう(ryou) |
Kun-Yomi |
いいつけ(iitsuke) |
おさ(osa) |
よ(い)(yo(i)) |
Meanings |
Order, Instruct, Tell |
Rule, Regulation, Law |
Secretary of the area, Leader, Chief |
Good, Nice, Beautiful, Splendid |
(Honorific words for the family members of others) |
Make (a person do) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “令”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
令旨(りょうじ-ryo u ji) |
Prince’s message, Command of a prince,(The Empress’s or an Imperial prince’s)address, message, command |
令兄(れいけい-re i ke i) |
Your elder brother |
令室(れいしつ-re i shi tsu) |
Married woman, wife, Your wife |
令状(れいじょう-re i jo u) |
Warrant, Writ |
令嬢(れいじょう-re i jo u) |
A word that means respect for a daughter of a nobleman or someone else’s daughter |
令色(れいしょく-re i sho ku) |
Fawning look (on one’s face), Servile look |
令人(れいじん-re i ji n) |
Good person, Respectable person |
令息(れいそく-re i so ku) |
Respect word for mentioning someone’s son |
令徳(れいとく-re i to ku) |
Virtue, Good conduct, Good deed, Benevolence |
令夫人(れいふじん-re i fu ji n) |
Word for mentioning someone’s wife with respect |
令聞(れいぶん-re i bu n) |
Good reputation, Fame |
令名(れいめい-re i me i) |
Good reputation, Fame |
禁令(きんれい-ki n re i) |
Prohibition, Ban, Embargo |
号令(ごうれい-go u re i) |
Command, Order |
省令(しょうれい-sho u re i) |
Ministerial ordinance, Ministry ordinance |