“Be piled up” or “Be repeated” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “累”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “累” means “Pile up”, “Harmful effect” or “Get mixed in” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “累”

Jouyou Kanji “累” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
11 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
るい(rui) |
Kun-Yomi |
かさ(なる)(kasa(naru)) |
かさ(ねる)(kasa(neru)) |
しば(る)(shiba(ru)) |
しき(りに)(shiki(rini)) |
わずら(わす)(wazura(wasu)) |
Meanings |
Bind, Tie |
Put one upon another, Pile up, Repeat |
Be repeated, Be piled up |
Frequently, Repeatedly |
Bother, Trouble, Harmful effect, Evil influence, Implication, Involvement, Be involved, Get mixed in |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “累”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
累加(るいか-ru i ka) |
Accumulation, Buildup, Repeated addition, Progressive increase |
累計(るいけい-ru i ke i) |
Cumulative total, Accumulated total, Total up to now |
累月(るいげつ-ru i ge tsu) |
A number of months |
累減(るいげん-ru i ge n) |
Regressive, Decrease, Lessening |
累歳(るいさい-ru i sa i) |
Many years, Year after year |
累次(るいじ-ru i ji) |
Successive, Repeated, One after another |
累日(るいじつ-ru i ji tsu) |
Many days, Day after day |
累乗(るいじょう-ru i jo u) |
Exponentiation, Power, Power of a number |
累進(るいしん-ru i shi n) |
Successive promotion, Gradual progression, Rising step by step |
累世(るいせい-ru i se i) |
Successive generations, Generation after generation |
累積(るいせき-ru i se ki) |
Accumulation, Accruement, Cumulation |
累代(るいだい-ru i da i) |
Successive generation |
累年(るいねん-ru i ne n) |
Successive years, Year after year, From year to year |
累犯(るいはん)-ru i ha n |
Recidivism, Repetition of offense, Repeated offenses, Repeated convictions |
累卵(るいらん-ru i ra n) |
① Dangerous situation, Perilous position, ② Pile of eggs |