Japanese Jouyou-kanji “利” means “Make a profit”, “Interest (on a deposit)” or “Be good for” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
利運(りうん-ri u n) |
Luck, Fortune, Good luck, Luckiness, Good fortune |
利益(りえき-ri e ki) |
Profit, Return, Gain, Income |
利害(りがい-ri ga i) |
Advantages and disadvantages, Interests of parties, Concern |
利勘(りかん-ri ka n) |
To be exact in accounts, To be exact in one’s accounts, To be exact in claiming one’s due, To be miserly, To be stingy |
利器(りき-ri ki) |
① Sharp-edged tool, Sharp weapon, ② Convenience, Facility, ③ Superior talent, Outstanding ability |
利剣(りけん-ri ke n) |
Sharp sword |
利権(りけん-ri ke n) |
Interest, Rights, Concession |
利権屋(りけんや-ri ke n ya) |
Concession hunter, Profiteer, Grafter |
利己(りこ-ri ko) |
Selfishness, Self‐interest |
利己主義(りこしゅぎ-ri ko shu gi) |
Egoism, Selfishness, Individualism |
利口 or 悧巧(りこう-ri ko u) |
Smart, Clever, Intelligent, Bright, Wise, Sensible, Shrewd |
利根(りこん-ri ko n) |
Intelligence, Cleverness, Braininess, Wiseness, Smart |
利札(りさつ-ri sa tsu) |
Coupon, Interest coupon |
利子(りし-ri shi) |
Interest (on a loan, deposit etc) |
利潤(りじゅん-ri ju n) |
Emolument, Profit, Earnings, Benefit |