“Role” or “Play the part of” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “役”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “役” means “Battle”, “Scoring combination (for card games or gambling etc)” or “Position (of responsibility)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “役”

Jouyou Kanji “役” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
7 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
やく(yaku) |
えき(eki) |
Kun-Yomi |
つと(め)(tsuto(me)) |
いくさ(ikusa) |
Meanings |
Duty, Service, Work |
Position, Post |
Employ, Use (a person) |
Battle |
Play the part of |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “役”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
役畜(えきちく-e ki chi ku) |
Draft animal, Work cattle, Beast of burden |
役員(やくいん-ya ku i n) |
Director, Executive, Officer |
役柄(やくがら-ya ku ga ra) |
Role |
役儀(やくぎ-ya ku gi) |
Role, Duty, Responsibility |
役者(やくしゃ-ya ku sha) |
① Actor, Actress, ② Man of wits, Clever person, Cunning fellow |
役所(やくしょ-ya ku sho) |
Public office, Government office |
役職(やくしょく-ya ku sho ku) |
① Post, Official position, ② Managerial position, Executive position |
役僧(やくそう-ya ku so u) |
Priest in charge of a temple’s clerical duties |
役宅(やくたく-ya ku ta ku) |
Government housing for officials |
役付き(やくつき-ya ku tsu ki) |
Holding a position of responsibility, Getting leading position, Executive |
役得(やくとく-ya ku to ku) |
Perquisite, Perk, Side benefit, Emoluments |
役人(やくにん-ya ku ni n) |
Governmental official, Public servant |
役人根性(やくにんこんじょう-ya ku ni n ko n jo u) |
Bureaucracy, Bureaucratism, Bureaucratic spirit |
役場(やくば-ya ku ba) |
Town office, Public office, Town hall, Village office |
役不足(やくぶそく-ya ku bu so ku) |
Dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one, Feeling oneself above the given work (role), Dissatisfaction with one’s assigned part |