Japanese Jouyou-kanji “目” means “Subdivide”, “Ability to distinguish things” or “(Table of) contents” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
目顔(めがお-me ga o) |
Aspect, Facial expression, Look, Face, Expression, (feelings expressed on a person’s face) |
目籠(めかご-me ka go) |
Openwork bamboo basket |
目頭(めがしら-me ga shi ra) |
Inner corners of eyes, Inner canthus |
目角(めかど-me ka do) |
① Outer corner of one’s eye, Canthus, ② Angry look |
目先(めさき-me sa ki) |
① Near future, Immediate future, ② Immediate (e.g. interests), Present, Short-run, ③ Before one’s eyes, Under one’s nose |
目路(めじ-me ji) |
Visibleness, Visibility |
目茶(めちゃ-me cha) |
Unreasonable, Excessive, Inordinate, Undue, ② Helter-skelter, Chaotic, Chaotic, Disorderly |
目端(めはし-me ha shi) |
Quick-wittedness, Having tact, Being sensible |
目八分(めはちぶ-me ha chi bu) |
① Below eye level, ② About eight-tenths full |
目鼻(めはな-me ha na) |
① Eyes and nose, ② Looks, Facial features, ③ Shape, Form |
目分量(めぶんりょう-me bu n ryo u) |
Rough estimate, Measuring by eye, Eye measure |
目星(めぼし-me bo shi) |
Objective, Aim, Mark |
目眩(めまい-me ma i) |
Vertigo, Dizziness, Giddiness |
目安(めやす-me ya su) |
① Criterion, Standard, Yardstick, Reference, Aim, ② Rough estimate, Approximation |
目安箱(めやすばこ-me ya su ba ko) |
Suggestion box, Comment box, Complaints box placed in front of the supreme court (Edo period) |