“Neglect” or “Be idle” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “慢”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “慢” means “Be extravagant”, “Be haughty” or “Look down” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “慢”

Jouyou Kanji “慢” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
14 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
まん(man) |
ばん(ban) |
Kun-Yomi |
おこた(る)(okota(ru)) |
あなど(る)(anado(ru)) |
おご(る)(ogo(ru)) |
Meanings |
Neglect, Be idle, Lazy |
Despise, Look down |
Be extravagant, Be haughty, Self-conceited |
Slow, Slowly, Gentle |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “慢”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
慢易(まんい-ma n i) |
Arrogance, Despising, To be lazy and careless |
慢心(まんしん-ma n shi n) |
Self-conceit, Pridefulness |
慢性(まんせい-ma n se i) |
Chronic |
慢然(まんぜん-ma n ze n) |
Aimless, Rambling, Relaxing, Carelessness, Thoughtlessness |
慢罵(まんば-ma n ba) |
Mocking, To insult and speak ill of others |
慢侮(まんぶ-ma n bu) |
Contemn, Scorn, Disdain, Despise |
慢舞(まんぶ-ma n bu) |
Slow dancing, Gentle dancing |
我慢(がまん-ga ma n) |
① Endurance, Patience, Perseverance, Bearing (with something), ② Self-control, Self-restraint |
欺瞞(ぎまん-gi ma n) |
Deception, Deceit, Fraud, Cheat, Cheating |
驕慢(きょうまん-kyo u ma n) |
Arrogance, Haughtiness, Pride |
高慢(こうまん-ko u ma n) |
Haughtiness, Arrogance, Conceitedly, Self-conceitedly, Conceit |
傲慢(ごうまん-go u ma n) |
Haughtiness, Arrogance, Overweening pride |
自慢(じまん-ji ma n) |
Boast, Braggart, Vaunt, Pridefulness, Pride |
怠慢(たいまん-ta i ma n) |
Negligence, Neglect, Carelessness, Procrastination, Dereliction |