1843-Jouyou-kanji “砲” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Cannon” or “Gun” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “砲”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “砲” means “Artillery”, “Gun barrel” or “Heavy weapon” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "砲"

Jouyou Kanji “砲”

Jouyou Kanji "砲" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “砲” Stroke Order

Stroke # 10 Strokes
On-Yomi ほう(hou)
Kun-Yomi おおづつ(oodutsu)
Meanings Crossbow
Cannon, Gun

Kanji words which contain Kanji “砲”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
砲煙弾雨(ほうえんだんう-ho u e n da n u) The smoke of guns and a rain of bullets or shells, A canopy of smoke and a shower of bullets
砲火(ほうか-ho u ka) Gunfire
砲架(ほうか-ho u ka) Gun mount, Gun carriage
砲丸(ほうがん-ho u ga n) ① Cannonball, ② Shots
砲丸投げ(ほうがんなげ-ho u ga n na ge) Shot put
砲眼(ほうがん-ho u ga n) Embrasure
砲撃(ほうげき-ho u ge ki) Bombardment, Bombarding, Shelling, Cannonade
砲口(ほうこう-ho u ko u) Muzzle of a gun
砲座(ほうざ-ho u za) Gun platform, Barbette
砲車(ほうしゃ-ho u sha) Gun carriage, Limber
砲手(ほうしゅ-ho u shu) Gunner, Artillery man, Harpooner
砲術(ほうじゅつ-ho u ju tau) Gunnery, Artillery
砲身(ほうしん-ho u shi n) Gun barrel, Tube
砲声(ほうせい-ho u se i) Roar of artillery, Sound of gunfire, Sound of a gun, Roar of cannon
砲台(ほうだい-ho u da i) Battery, Fort


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