1798-Jouyou-kanji “弊” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Get tired” or “Be weary” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “弊”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “弊” means “Defeated”, “Break up” or “Be broken” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "弊"

Jouyou Kanji “弊”

Jouyou Kanji "弊" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “弊” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi へい(hei)
Kun-Yomi つか(れる)(tsuka(reru))
Meanings Get tired, Be weary
Defeated, Lose
Be broken, Break up
Bad, Harm
This kanji is used when humbling own-side

Kanji words which contain Kanji “弊”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
弊衣(へいい-he i i) Worn-out clothes, Shabby clothes
弊屋(へいおく-he i o ku) ① Hovel, Broken house, ② Humble expression for one’s own house
弊害(へいがい-he i ga i) Harmful effect, Harmful influence, Evil practice, Abuse, Malady
弊社(へいしゃ-he i sha) Our company, Our firm
弊習(へいしゅう-he i shu u) Corrupt practices, Bad habit, Bad customs
弊制(へいせい-he i se i) Bad system, Bad custom, Bad tradition
弊政(へいせい-he i se i) Misgovernment, Maladministration
弊宅(へいたく-he i ta ku) ① Hovel, Broken house, ② Humble expression for one’s own house
弊店(へいてん-he i te n) Our shop, Our store
弊風(へいふう-he i fu u) Evil practice, Bad custom, Bad habit, Malpractice, Corrupt habit, Abusive practice
弊履(へいり-he i ri) ① Worn-out shoes, ② Useless things, No value items
旧弊(きゅへい-kyu u he i) ① Old evils, Long-standing abuses, Old-fashioned ways, Outdated notions, ② Conservatism, Conservative ideas, Old abuses, Standing evils
語弊(ごへい-go he i) Faulty statement, Misleading statement, Faulty expression, Defect in expression
宿弊(しゅくへい-shu ku he i) Abuse of long standing, Deep‐rooted evil, Inveterate abuse, Deep-seated evil, Old evil
疲弊(ひへい-hi he i) Impoverishment, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Prostration


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