1768-Jouyou-kanji “幅” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Width” or “Breadth” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “幅”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “幅” means “Hanging scroll”, “Difference (e.g. in price)” or “Range (e.g. of voice)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "幅"

Jouyou Kanji “幅”

Jouyou Kanji "幅" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “幅” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi ふく(fuku)
Kun-Yomi はば(haba)
Meanings Width, Breadth
Edge, Hem
Hanging scroll, (Unit word for counting hanging scrolls)
Influence, Power, Force, Spirits

Kanji words which contain Kanji “幅”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
幅利き(はばきき-ha ba ki ki) Influential, Man of influence, Person of consequence
幅跳び(はばとび-ha ba to bi) Broad jump, Long jump
幅広(はばひろ-ha ba hi ro) Wide (e.g. belt, shoes, ribbon), Broad
幅員(ふくいん-fu ku i n) Width (of a road, bridge, etc), Breadth
大幅(おおはば-o o ha ba) ① Significant, Drastic, Substantial, ② Full breadth
肩幅(かたはば-ka ta ha ba) Shoulder width (breadth), Shoulder length
小幅(こはば-ko ha ba) ① Small margin, Narrow range, ② Single-breadth cloth
全幅(ぜんぷく-ze n pu ku) ① Overall width, Total width, ② Full, Wholehearted, Utmost, All, Every
半幅(はんはば-ha n ha ba) Half-width
辺幅(へんぷく-he n pu ku) Edge, Surface appearance, Outer appearance
満幅(まんぷく-ma n pu ku) Full, Complete, Entire, Total, Sincere, Wholehearted
横幅(よこはば-yo ko ha ba) Width, Breadth


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