“Performer” or “Entertainer” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “俳”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “俳” means “Joke”, “Haiku” or “Comical act” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “俳”

Jouyou Kanji “俳” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
10 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
はい(hai) |
Kun-Yomi |
わざおぎ(wazaogi) |
たわむ(れ)(tawamu(re)) |
Meanings |
Artiste, Performer, Entertainer |
Joke, Play, Comical act |
Haiku (俳句) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “俳”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
俳画(はいが-ha i ga) |
Haiku picture, Briefly drawn picture |
俳諧(はいかい-ha i ka i) |
Seventeen‐syllable verse, Haikai (collective name for haiku, haibun, haiga, senryū etc) |
俳句(はいく-ha i ku) |
Haiku, A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables (in 5‐7‐5 syllabic form) |
俳号(はいごう-ha i go u) |
Pseudonym of a haiku poet |
俳書(はいしょ-ha i sho) |
Books about haikai and haiku |
俳人(はいじん-ha i ji n) |
Haiku poet |
俳聖(はいせい-ha i se i) |
Famous haiku poet, The poet Basho (Matsuo Basho) |
俳談(はいだん-ha i da n) |
Discourse on Haiku and Haikai |
俳壇(はいだん-ha i da n) |
The world of the haiku |
俳文(はいぶん-ha i bu n) |
Prose with a poetic haiku flavor |
俳味(はいみ-ha i mi) |
Subdued taste, Refined taste, Haiku (poetic) flavor |
俳名(はいめい-ha i me i) |
Pseudonym of a haiku poet |
俳友(はいゆう-ha i yu u) |
Haiku poetry pals |
俳優(はいゆう-ha i yu u) |
Actor, Actress, Player, Performer |
俳論(はいろん-ha i ro n) |
Discourse of foundational principle and essences regarding Haikai and haiku |
雑俳(ざっはい-za ppa i) |
Playful literature originating from haiku |
連俳(れんぱい-re n pa i) |
① Renga and haikai, ② Linked Haiku |