“Horse” or “One of Shogi pieces” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “馬”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “馬” means “Horse” or “One of Shogi pieces” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “馬”

Jouyou Kanji “馬” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
10 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ば(ba) |
め(me) |
ま(ma) |
Kun-Yomi |
うま(uma) |
ま(ma) |
Meanings |
Horse |
One of Shogi pieces (Shogi is the Japanese chess) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “馬”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
馬酔木(あせび or あしび or ばすいぼく-a se bi (or) a shi bi (or) ba shu i bo ku) |
Japanese andromeda (a kind of plant) |
馬が合う(うまがあう-u ma ga a u) |
To get on well, Get along well with |
馬返し(うまがえし-u ma ga e shi) |
The point of mountain pass where a horse cannot travel anymore |
馬方(うまかた-u ma ka ta) |
Packhorse driver |
馬印(うまじるし-u ma ji ru shi) |
A mark sign raised next to the horse of a commander |
馬面(うまづら-u ma du ra) |
A long equine like face, Horse‐faced |
馬鹿(ばか-ba ka) |
Idiot, Moron, Fool |
馬鹿力(ばかちから-ba ka chi ka ra) |
Great physical power, Animal strength |
馬革(ばかく-ba ka ku) |
Horsehide, Horse leather |
馬脚(ばきゃく-ba kya ku) |
Horse’s legs |
馬具(ばぐ-ba gu) |
Harness, Horse riding gear |
馬喰(ばくろう-ba ku ro u) |
Horse dealer |
馬券(ばけん-ba ke n) |
Betting ticket, Betting slip |
馬耕(ばこう-ba ko u) |
Horse-plowing |
馬耳東風(ばじとうふう-ba ji to u fu u) |
Utter indifference, Talking to the wall, Praying to deaf ears |
馬車(ばしゃ-ba sha) |
Carriage, Coach, Wagon, Cart |
馬車馬(ばしゃうま-ba sha u ma) |
Carriage horse, Cart horse, Work-horse |
馬首(ばしゅ-ba shu) |
Neck of a horse |
馬術(ばじゅつ-ba ju tsu) |
Horsemanship, Equestrian art, Art of riding |
馬上(ばじょう-ba jo u) |
On horseback, Riding a horse |
馬食(ばしょく-ba sho ku) |
Heavy eating |