“Enter” or “Come in” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “入”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “入” means “Join”, “Get in” or “Break into” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “入”

Jouyou Kanji “入” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
2 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
にゅう(nyuu) |
じゅ(ju) |
じゅう(juu) |
Kun-Yomi |
い(る)(i(ru)) |
い(れる)(i(reru)) |
はい(る)(hai(ru)) |
しお(shio) |
Meanings |
Enter, Come in, Get in, Break into |
Join |
Profit, Gain, Income, Earning |
(A word that counts the number of times the dye is applied when dyeing an object) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “入”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
入相(りあい-i ri a i) |
Sunset, Sundown, Eventide, Evening |
入り会い地(いりあいち-i ri a i chi) |
Area where shared by village people |
入り江(いりえ-i ri e) |
Inlet, Cove, Creek, Bay, Embayment |
入り母屋(いりもや-i ri mo ya) |
Half-hipped roof |
入れ子(いれこ-i re ko) |
① Cavity, Core insert, Insert, ② Encasement, Nesting, Nest of boxes |
入れ墨 or 刺青(いれずみ-i re zu mi) |
Tattoo |
入れ知恵(いれぢえ-i re ji e) |
Giving an idea or knowledge to a person before some event |
入れ歯(いれば-i re ba) |
Artificial tooth, False tooth, Denture |
入魂 or 昵懇(じっこん-ji kko n) |
Intimacy, Familiarity, Closeness |
入水(じゅすい-ju su i) |
Suicidal drowning |
入内(じゅだい-nyu u da n) |
Formal entering of a woman who will become an Empress, Chugu, or Nyogo into Palace |
入院(にゅういん-nyu u i n) |
Hospitalization, Admission, Hospital admission, Hospital confinement, Hospital stay |
入営(にゅうえい-nyu u e i) |
Entering the barracks, Enlistment |