1574-Jouyou-kanji “南” Stroke Order and Meanings

“South” or “South direction” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “南”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “南” means “South direction”, “Go to south” or “Go down to south” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "南"

Jouyou Kanji “南”

Jouyou Kanji "南" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “南” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi なん(nan)
Kun-Yomi みなみ(minami)
Meanings South, South direction
Go to south, Go down to south

Kanji words which contain Kanji “南”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
南瓜(かぼちゃ or なんか-ka bo cha (or) na n ka) pumpkin, Squash
南無(なむ-na mu) Amen, Hail
南無阿弥陀仏(なむあみだぶつ) Namu Amida Butsu, Hail Amitabha Buddha, Homage to Amida Buddha, Prayer for rebirth in Sukhavati, The Pure Land of Amitabha, O Buddha!, May his soul rest in peace!
南無三(なむさん-na mu sa n) Damn it!, Hang it!, Dang it!, Dash it!
南無三宝(なむさんぼう-na mu sa n bo u) ① Homage to the Three Jewels (Buddha、Dharma and Sangha), ② Oh no!, Good heavens!, Oops, Damn it!, Hang it!, Dang it!, Dash it!
南緯(なんい-na n i) S.Lat., South latitude
南下(なんか-na n ka) Going south, Southward movement, Southward intrusion
南画(なんが-na n ga) Southern School (of Chinese painting), Nanga (Japanese painting)
南海道(なんかいどう-na n ka i do u) Nankaidō (alt. name for the Shikoku region)
南柯の夢(なんかのゆめ-na n ka no yu me) Transient dream, Transiency of human joys, Evanescent dream, Dream while dozing
南極(なんきょく-na n kyo ku) South Pole, Antarctica, Antarctic
南極海(なんきょくかい-na n kyo ku ka i) Antarctic Ocean, Antarctic Sea
南極圏(なんきょくけん-na n kyo ku ke n) Antarctic Circle


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