“Road” or “Way” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “道”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “道” means “Method”, “Right way” or “Instruct” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “道”

Jouyou Kanji “道” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
12 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
どう(dou) |
とう(tou) |
Kun-Yomi |
みち(michi) |
みちび(く)(michibi(ku)) |
い(う)(i(u)) |
Meanings |
Way, Road, Street, Path |
Method, How to, Way |
Reasonable, Reason, Right way, Moral principles |
Taoism, Buddhist teachings |
Recite, Advocate, Narrate |
Lead, Guide, Instruct |
One of administrative division |
Art, Science, Learning, Study |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “道”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
道家(どうけ-do u ke) |
Taoist |
道学(どうがく-do u ga ku) |
Moral philosophy |
道学先生(どうがくせんせい-do u ga ku se n se i) |
Inflexible Scholar, A person who preaches only morals and reason without knowing any world event |
道義(どうぎ-do u gi) |
Morality, Moral principles |
道義心(どうぎしん-do u gi shi n) |
Conscience, Moral sense |
道教(どうきょう-do u kyo u) |
Taoism |
道具(どうぐ-do u gu) |
Tool, Instrument, Utensil, Implement, Apparatus, Device |
道化(どうけ-do u ke) |
Drollery, Antics, Buffoonery, Clowning |
道化師(どうけし-do u ke shi) |
Clown, Buffoon |
道士(どうし-do u shi) |
Taoist, Non-christian priest, Priest, Monk |
道術(どうじゅつ-do u ju tsu) |
Wizardry, Secret of immortality |
道場(どうじょう-do u jo u) |
Exercise hal, Training hall, Dojo, Hall used for martial arts training |
道心(どうしん-do u shi n) |
① Mind of pursuing Buddhism, ② Moral sense, Moral sentiment, Conscience |
道人(どうじん-do u ji n) |
① Person who is learning Buddhism, Person who has become a priest, ② Person who practiced Taoism |