“Little child” or “Toddler” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “童”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “童” means “Child”, “Junior servant” or “Domineering person” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “童”

Jouyou Kanji “童” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
12 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
どう(dou) |
とう(tou) |
Kun-Yomi |
わらべ(warabe) |
わらわ(warawa) |
Meanings |
Child, Toddler |
Junior servant, Young maid |
Become bold, Domineering person, Rogue, Rowdy |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “童”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
童孩(どうがい-do u ga i) |
Little child, Infant, Toddler |
童顔(どうがん-do u ga n) |
Baby face, Child’s face, Boyish face |
童形(どうぎょう-do u gyo u) |
Appearance of a boy with untied hair, Boy with untied hair (before his coming-of-age ceremony) |
童子(どうじ-do u ji) |
Child, Little boy, Kid |
童女(どうじょ-do u jo) |
Little girl, Female child |
童心(どうしん-do u shi n) |
Mind of a child, Child’s mind, Childlike innocence, Naivete |
童体(どうたい-do u ta i) |
Appearance of a boy with untied hair, Boy with untied hair (before his coming-of-age ceremony) |
童貞(どうてい-do u te i) |
Virginity, Virgin chastity |
童僕(どうぼく-do u bo ku) |
Young male servant, Page |
童蒙(どうもう-do u mo u) |
Child, Young personnel who can’t understand reason |
童謡(どうよう-do u yo u) |
Nursery song, Children’s song, Nursery rhyme |
童話(どうわ-do u wa) |
Children’s story, Fairy tale, Nursery tale |
童歌(わらべうた-wa ra be u ta) |
Children’s song, Nursery song |
学童(がくどう-ga ku do u) |
Pupil, Schoolchild |