“Pottery” or “Earthenware” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “陶”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “陶” means “Porcelain”, “Enlighten” or “Feel at easy” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “陶”

Jouyou Kanji “陶” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
11 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
とう(tou) |
よう(you) |
Kun-Yomi |
すえ(sue) |
Meanings |
Pottery, Earthenware, China, Porcelain |
Potter, Ceramist |
Educate, Enlighten, Civilize |
Feel at easy, Relieved, Enjoy |
Anxious, Worried, Gloomy, Dreary |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “陶”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
陶化(とうか-to u ka) |
Teaching, Guiding, Indoctrination |
陶画(とうが-to u ga) |
Porcelain picture |
陶器(とうき-to u ki) |
Pottery, Earthenware |
陶芸(とうげい-to u ge i) |
Ceramic art, Ceramics |
陶工(とうこう-to u ko u) |
Potter, Ceramist |
陶磁器(とうじき-to u nji ki) |
Ceramic wares, Porcelain, Chinaware, Ceramics, Pottery |
陶酔(とうすい-to u su i) |
Intoxication, Euphoria |
陶製(とうせい-to u se i) |
Ceramic, Earthenware, China |
陶然(とうぜん-to u ze n) |
① Tipsy, Pleasantly drunk, Mellow, ② Entranced, Enchanted, Captivated |
陶土(とうど-to u do) |
Porcelain clay, Kaolinite, Terra alba, Kaolin, China clay |
陶冶(とうや-to u ya) |
① Training, Education, Cultivation, ② Making pottery and casting metal |
鬱陶しい(うっとうしい-u tto u shi i) |
① Gloomy, Depressing, Miserable, Dull, Oppressive, ② Annoying |
薫陶(くんとう-ku n to u) |
Moral influence, Education, Training, Discipline |
製陶(せいとう-se i to u) |
Pottery manufacture |