“Across” or “Go over” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “渡”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “渡” means “Transfer”, “Hand over” or “Build (a bridge over a river)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “渡”

Jouyou Kanji “渡” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
12 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
と(to) |
Kun-Yomi |
わた(る)(wata(ru)) |
わた(す)(wata(su)) |
Meanings |
Cross, Go over, Sail, Across |
Hand over, Transfer, Deliver |
Build (a bridge over a river) |
Ferry, Landing stage |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “渡”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
渡欧(とおう-to o u) |
Going to Europe, Trip to Europe |
渡河(とか-to ka) |
Crossing a river |
渡海(とかい-to ka i) |
Crossing the sea |
渡御(とぎょ-to gyo) |
① Transferral of a sacred object from its place of enshrinement, ② Imperial procession |
渡航(とこう-to ko u) |
Voyage, Passage, Traveling |
渡津(としん-to shi n) |
The area where a road crosses a river |
渡世(とせい-to se i) |
Living, Means of living, Business, Trade, Occupation |
渡米(とべい-to be i) |
Going to the United States |
渡来(とらい-to ra i) |
Coming over (from abroad) |
渡し場(わたしば-wa ta shi ba) |
Ferry |
渡し守(わたしもり-wa ta shi mo ri) |
Ferryman |
渡殿(わたどの-wa ta do no) |
Roofed corridor connecting two buildings |
渡り合う(わたりあう-wa ta ri a u) |
To fight (with), To cross swords, To compete (with), To argue (with), To have an argument, To have a dispute |
渡り歩く(わたりあるく-wa ta ri a ru ku) |
Wander from place to place, To change jobs |
渡り鳥(わたりどり-wa ta ri do ri) |
① Migratory bird, Bird of passage, ② Rover, Roamer, Wanderer |