“Sky” or “Heaven” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “天”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “天” means “One’s nature”, “Weather” or “Summit” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “天”

Jouyou Kanji “天” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
4 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
てん(ten) |
Kun-Yomi |
あま(ama) |
あめ(ame) |
そら(sora) |
Meanings |
Sky |
God, The Creator |
Nature |
One’s nature, By nature |
Fate, Destiny |
Emperor |
Weather, Climate |
Heaven |
Top, Summit |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “天”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
天翔ける(あまかける or あまがける-a ma ka ke ru (or) a ma ga ke ru) |
Soar, Fly high, Fly upwards, Fly high in the sky |
天下り(あまくだり-a ma ku da ri) |
① To descend from heaven to the human world, ② Golden parachuting, Appointment of a former government official to a responsible position in a private company |
天津(あまつ-a ma tsu) |
Heavenly, Imperial |
天津(てんしん-te n shi n) |
Tianjin (China) |
天の川(あまのがわ-a ma no ga wa) |
Milky way |
天の邪鬼(あまのじゃく-a ma no ja ku) |
① Contrariness, Perverseness, Cussedness, Contrary person, ② Antagonistic demon in Japanese folklore |
天の原(あまのはら-a ma no ha ra) |
Sky, Heaven |
天為(てんい-te n i) |
Providential, Natural |
天意(てんい-te n i) |
Divine will, Providence |
天衣無縫(てんいむほう-te n i mu ho u) |
Guiltless, Innocent, Clean-handed, Ingenuous |
天運(てんうん-te n u n) |
Destiny, Will of Heaven, Luck, Fate |
天恩(てんおん-te n o n) |
① Blessings of heaven, Blessings of nature, ② Favor of emperor, Goodness of the Emperor |
天下(てんか-te n ka) |
World, Whole country |
天下一品(てんかいっぴん-te n ka i ppi n) |
Best article under heaven, Peerless |
天外(てんがい-te n ga i) |
Beyond the heavens, Farthest regions |
天涯(てんがい-te n ga i) |
Far country, Distant land |
天蓋(てんがい-te n ga i) |
① Canopy, Dome, ② Priestly minstrel’s reed hood, Reed hood worn by Komuso priests |