1469-Jouyou-kanji “鉄” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Iron” or “Steel” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “鉄”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “鉄” means “Cutlery”, “Edged tool” or “Hard and tough things like iron” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "鉄"

Jouyou Kanji “鉄”

Jouyou Kanji "鉄" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “鉄” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi てつ(tetsu)
Kun-Yomi くろがね(kurogane)
Meanings Iron, Steel
Cutlery, Edged tool
Hard and tough things like iron

Kanji words which contain Kanji “鉄”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
鉄色(てついろ-te tsu i ro) Iron blue, Reddish‐black, Steel gray
鉄火(てっか-te kka) ① Red‐hot iron, Iron weapons, Gunfire, ② Gambling, ③ Violent-tempered, ④ Red meat of tuna
鉄兜(てつかぶと-te tsu ka bu to) Steel helmet
鉄管(てっかん-te kka n) Iron pipe, Iron tube, Steel pipe
鉄器(てっき-te kki) Ironware, Hardware
鉄騎(てっき-te kki) Iron armored knight
鉄脚(てっきゃく-te kkya ku) Iron leg(frame) (of a tower or bridge), Sturdy legs
鉄橋(てっきょう-te kkyo u) Iron bridge, Steel bridge, Railroad bridge
鉄筋(てっきん-te kki n) Rebar, Reinforcing bar, Reinforcing steel
鉄血(てっけつ-te kke tsu) Blood and iron, Military might, Arms and soldiers
鉄拳(てっけん-te kke n) Iron fist, Clenched fist
鉄工(てっこう-te kko u) Iron-working, Iron-worker
鉄甲(てっこう-te kko u) Iron armor, Iron helmet
鉄鋼(てっこう-te kko u) Steel, Iron and steel
鉄鉱石(てっこうせき-te kko u se ki) Iron ore


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