“Investigate” or “Examine” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “調”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “調” means “Be in good order”, “Put in order” or “Be ready” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “調”

Jouyou Kanji “調” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
15 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ちょう(chou) |
Kun-Yomi |
しら(べる)(shira(beru)) |
ととの(う)(totono(u)) |
ととの(える)(totono(eru)) |
みつぎ(mitsugi) |
やわら(ぐ)(yawara(gu)) |
あざけ(る)(azake(ru)) |
Meanings |
Be in good order, Be ready, Be settled, Adjust, Fix |
Arrange, Put in order |
Tune, Melody |
Transfer the job title |
Investigate, Examine, Study |
A kind of ancient tax |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “調”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
調べ帯(しらべおび-shi ra be o bi) |
Drive belt, Machine belt |
調べ革(しらべがわ-shi ra be ga wa) |
Drive belt, Machine belt |
調べ車(しらべぐるま-shi ra be gu ru ma) |
Belt pulley |
調印(ちょういん-cho u i n) |
Signature, Signing, Sealing |
調教(ちょうきょう-cho u kyo u) |
Training, Discipline |
調貢(ちょうこう-cho u ko u) |
Tribute |
調合(ちょうごう-cho u go u) |
Compounding, Mixing, Blending, Preparation |
調査(ちょうさ-cho u sa) |
Exploration, Research, Survey, Investigation |
調剤(ちょうざい-cho u za i) |
Making up a prescription, Dispensing medicine, Preparing medicine, Compounding, Drug compounding, Dispensing |
調子(ちょうし-cho u shi) |
① Tune, Tone, Key, Pitch, Rhythm, ② Condition, State of health |
調書(ちょうしょ-cho u sho) |
Survey report, Protocol, Written evidence, Court record, Trial Records |
調色(ちょうしょく-cho u sho ku) |
Toning, Paint mixing, Color matching |