1378-Jouyou-kanji “虫” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Insect” or “Bug” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “虫”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “虫” means “Worm”, “Generic term for insect” or “Generic term for animals” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "虫"

Jouyou Kanji “虫”

Jouyou Kanji "虫" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “虫” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi ちゅう(chuu)
Kun-Yomi むし(mushi)
Meanings Generic term for insect
Insect, Bug, Cricket, Moth, Worm, Roundworm
Generic term for animals
Someone who is enthusiastic about something

Kanji words which contain Kanji “虫”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
虫害(ちゅうがい-chu u ga i) Insect damage, Pest injury, Pest damage, Termite damage
虫垂(ちゅうすい-chu u su i) Vermiform appendix
虫媒花(ちゅうばいか-chu u ba i ka) Entomophilous flower
虫が知らせる(むしがしらせる-mu shi ga shi ra se ru) To forebode, To have a presentiment
虫下し(むしくだし-mu shi ku da shi) Vermifuges, Parasiticide, Anthelmintic
虫気(むしけ-mu shi ke) Child’s complaint, Nervous weakness, Throes
虫唾(むしず-mu shi zu) Strong sense of disgust, Water brash
虫の息(むしのいき-mu shi no i ki) Faint breath, Dying whisper, At death’s door
虫歯(むしば-mu shi ba) Bad tooth, Decayed tooth, Carious tooth
虫干し(むしぼし-mu shi bo shi) Airing (to prevent damage from insects and mould)
虫眼鏡(むしめがね-mu shi me ga ne) Magnifying glass, Reading glass
虫除け(むしよけ-mu shi yo ke) Insecticide, Insect repellent, Camphor ball, Mothball


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