1328-Jouyou-kanji “達” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Reach” or “Arrive” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “達”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “達” means “Accomplish”, “Multiple people” or “Pass through” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "達"

Jouyou Kanji “達”

Jouyou Kanji "達" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “達” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi たつ(tatsu)
Kun-Yomi とお(る)(too(ru))
Meanings Pass through, Go Through
Extend, Spread, Go around
Reach, Arrive, Deliver
Accomplish, Achieve, Attain
Promotion, Advance
Expert, Master
Notification, Notice
Multiple people

Kanji words which contain Kanji “達”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
達意(たつい-ta tsu i) Lucidity, Intelligibility, Perspicuity, Straight-to-the-point
達観(たっかん-ta kka n) Philosophical view, Looking at philosophically, Long view, Farsighted view, Spiritual enlightenment
達見(たっけん-ta kke n) Farsightedness, Insight, Excellent view, Excellent view
達識(たっしき-ta sshi ki) Farsightedness, Insight, Great insight
達者(たっしゃ-ta ssha) ① Healthy, Robust, Well, Strong, Hale and hearty (old man), ② Skilled, Expert, Good at, Proficient in
達人(たつじん-ta tsu ji n) ① Expert, Master, ② Philosopher
達成(たっせい-ta sse i) Accomplishment, Achievement, Attainment
達筆(たっぴつ-ta ppi tsu) Good handwriting, Skillful penmanship
達弁(たつべん-ta tsu be n) Eloquence, Gift of the gab
達磨(だるま-da ru ma) ① Bodhidharma, ② Daruma, Tumbler, Tumbling doll, ③ Prostitute, Whore
栄達(えいたつ-e i ta tsu) Distinction, Advancement in life, Promotion
闊達(かったつ-ka tta tsu) Generosity, Openhearted, Frank, Broad-minded
下達(げたつ-ge ta tsu) Commanding a subordinate
四通八達(しつうはったつ-shi tsu u ha tta tsu) Traffic network extending in all directions


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