1150-Jouyou-kanji “跡” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Mark” or “Trace” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “跡”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “跡” means “Vestige”, “Mark” or “Remain” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "跡"

Jouyou Kanji “跡”

Jouyou Kanji "跡" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “跡” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi せき(seki)
Kun-Yomi あと(ato)
Meanings Mark, Trace
Remain, Ruin, Site

Kanji words which contain Kanji “跡”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
跡形(あとかた-a to ka ta) Trace, Vestige
跡始末 or 後始末(あとしまつ-a to shi ma tsu) Settlement (of affairs), Sorting out, Winding up, Remedial measures
跡継ぎ or 後継ぎ(あとつぎ-a to tsu gi) Heir, Heiress, Inheritor, Successor
跡取り(あととり-a to to ri) Heir, Heiress, Inheritor, Successor
跡目(あとめ-a to me) Successor, Replacement
足跡(あしあと or そくせき-a shi a to (or) so ku se ki) ① Foot mark, Footprint, ② Achievements
遺跡(いせき-i se ki) Remains, Antiquities, Historic ruins
奇跡(きせき-ki se ki) Miracle, Marvel
軌跡(きせき-ki se ki) Trajectory, Tracing, Locus (mathematics)
形跡(けいせき-ke i se ki) Marks, Traces, Vestiges, Evidences, Signs, Indications
古跡(こせき-ko se ki) Historic spot, Historic remains, Ruins
史跡(しせき-shi se ki) Historic remains, Historical landmark, Historical site
城跡(じょうせき or しろあと-jo u se ki (or) shi ro a to) Ruins of a castle, Abandoned castle, Castle ruin, Ruined castle
人跡(じんせき-ji n se ki) Signs of human habitation
聖跡(せいせき-se i se ki) ① Holy site, ② Places where a emperor visited, Old palaces, ③ Excellent calligraphy
筆跡(ひっせき-hi sse ki) Handwriting, Brushstroke, Calligraphy
名跡(めいせき-me i se ki) Famous historic spot
門跡(もんぜき-mo n ze ki) ① A temple whose head priest is a member of the Imperial family, ② A temple where the doctrines of the founder of the sect have been handed


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