“Upper part” or “Forward parts” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “上”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “上” means “Go up”, “Superior” or “Raise”.

Jouyou Kanji “上”

Jouyou Kanji “上” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
3 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
じょう(jou) |
しょう(shou) |
Kun-Yomi |
うえ(ue) |
うわ(uwa) |
かみ(kami) |
あ(げる)(a(geru)) |
あ(がる)(a(garu)) |
のぼ(る)(nobo(ru)) |
のぼ(せる)(nobo(seru)) |
のぼ(す)(nobo(su)) |
ほとり(hotori) |
たてまつ(る)(tatematsu(ru)) |
Meanings |
Upper part, Top, Summit, High |
Older, Better, Superior, More, Greater |
Go up, Ascend, Climb, Rise |
Forward parts of time, river and flow etc |
Raise, Lift, Hoist |
Near, By (the river or lake etc) |
Dizzy, Flush, Get excited |
Offer, Present, Submit |
Go to the capital city |
Mistress, Wife |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “上”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
上手(うわて or じょうず-u wa te (or) jo u zu) |
Proficient, Skilful, Good, Expert, Practiced |
上位(じょうい-jo u i) |
Higher rank, Senior, Superior |
上院(じょういん-jo u i n) |
Upper house, Senate |
上映(じょうえい-jo u e i) |
Put on the screen, Projecting a movie and showing it to the audience |
上演(じょうえん-jo u e n) |
Performance, Performing a play on the stage |
上界(じょうかい-jo u ka i) |
Upper-bound, Heaven |
上記(じょうき-jo u ki) |
Above mentioned |
上客(じょうきゃく-jo u kya ku) |
Good customer, Guest of honor |
上級(じょうきゅう-jo u kyu u) |
Advanced level, Senior classes, Senior grade, Upper grade |
上京(じょうきょう-jo u kyo u) |
Proceeding to the capital |
上空(じょうくう-jo u ku u) |
Sky, Up in the air, Up in the sky |
上下(じょうげ-jo u ge) |
Upper and lower, Up and down |
上下動(じょうげどう-jo u ge do u) |
Vertical motion, Vertical movement, Up-and-down motion |