0917-Jouyou-kanji “縦” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Vertical” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “縦”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “縦” means “Vertical”.

Jouyou Kanji "縦"

Jouyou Kanji “縦”

Jouyou Kanji "縦" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “縦” Stroke Order

Stroke # 16 Strokes
On-Yomi じゅう(juu)
Kun-Yomi たて(tate)
Meanings Vertical, Direction of North-South, Direction of upper side-lower side
Loosen, Unfasten, Loose
Shoot, Fire, Discharge
Arbitrary, Selfish, At will, Willful
Even if, Although, Whatever may happen

Kanji words which contain Kanji “縦”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
縦横(じゅうおう-ju u o u) Length and Width
縦横無尽(じゅうおうむじん-ju u o u mu ji n) Freely, As one pleases
縦貫(じゅうかん-ju u ka n) Running through, Longitudinal
縦観(じゅうかん-ju u ka n) Seeing at will, Looking at without permission
縦走(じゅうそう-ju u so u) Traverse walk along the ridge
縦隊(じゅうたい-ju u ta i) Column, File, Vertically arranged formations
縦断(じゅうだん-ju u da n) ① Cut something vertically, ② Traverse longitudinally, ③ Traverse walk along the ridge
縦覧(じゅうらん-ju u ra n) Seeing at will, Looking at without permission
縦列(じゅうれつ-ju u re tsu) Column
縦糸(たていと-ta te i to) Warp thread
縦坑(たてこう-ta te ko u) Shaft
縦令(たとい-ta to i) Even if, No matter (what), If, Although


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