0907-Jouyou-kanji “十” Stroke Order and Meanings

Ten in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “十”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “十” means “Ten”.

Jouyou Kanji "十"

Jouyou Kanji “十”

Jouyou Kanji "十" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “十” Stroke Order

Stroke # 2 Strokes
On-Yomi じゅう(juu)
Kun-Yomi とお(too)
Meanings Ten, Tenth, Ten times
Enough, Satisfied, Perfectly gratified
Many, A lot of

Kanji words which contain Kanji “十”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
十戒(じっかい-ji kka i) Ten Buddhist precepts
十誡(じっかい-ji kka i) Ten Commandments, Moses’ Ten Commandments
十干(じっかん-ji kka n) Heavenly Stems
十指(じっし-ji sshi) Ten fingers
十種競技(じっしゅきょうぎ-ji sshu kyo u gi) Decathlon
十進法(じっしんほう-ji sshi n ho u) Decimal system
十中八九(じっちゅうはっく or じゅっちゅうはっく-ji cchu u ha kku (or) ju cchu u ha kku) In all likelihood, Most likely
十手(じって-ji tte) Short metal truncheon
十方(じっぽう-ji ppo u) Ten directions, All directions, Everywhere
十悪(じゅうあく-ju u a ku) The ten abominations, The ten evil deeds
十雨(じゅうう-ju u u) Refreshing rain once in ten days
十五夜(じゅうごや-ju u go ya) The fifteenth night, Night with a full moon
十字架(じゅうじか-ju u ji ka) The Cross
十字街(じゅうじがい-ju u ji ga i) Crossroads, Street crossing
十七文字(じゅうしちもじ-ju u shi chi mo ji) Haiku
十姉妹(じゅうしまつ-ju u shi ma tsu) Society finch
十全(じゅうぜん-ju u ze n) Perfection, Consummation, Fulfillment, Absolute safety


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