0897-Jouyou-kanji “習” Stroke Order and Meanings

Learn or Lesson in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “習”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “習” means Learn or Lesson.

Jouyou Kanji "習"

Jouyou Kanji “習”

Jouyou Kanji "習" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “習” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi しゅう(shuu)
Kun-Yomi なら(う)(nara(u))
Meanings Learn, Take a lesson
Accustomed, Follow, Repeat for learning (practice)
Custom, Tradition, Habit

Kanji words which contain Kanji “習”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
習慣(しゅうかん-shu u ka n) Habits, Custom
習作(しゅうさく-shu u sa ku) Study, Making a piece for practice
習字(しゅうじ-shu u ji) Penmanship, Calligraphy
習熟(しゅうじゅく-shu u ju ku) Mastership, Familiarity, Being used to and getting better
習性(しゅうせい-shu u se i) Habits
習俗(しゅうぞく-shu u zo ku) Manners and customs
習得(しゅうとく-shu u to ku) Learning, Acquisition
習癖(しゅうへき-shu u he ki) Habits
習練(しゅうれん-shu u re n) Practice, Training
習い性となる(ならいしょうとなる-na ra i sho u to na ru) Custom is a second nature, Ingrained habit
習うよりは慣れろ(ならうよりはなれろ-na ra u yo ri wa na re ro) Practice makes perfect
悪習(あくしゅう-a ku shu u) Bad habit
因習(いんしゅう-i n shu u) Convention, Tradition, Long-established custom
演習(えんしゅう-e n shu u) Exercise, Practice
温習(おんしゅう-o n shu u) Review, Rehearsal
学習(がくしゅう-ga ku shu u) Studies


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