0892-Jouyou-kanji “臭” Stroke Order and Meanings

Bad Smell in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of “臭”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “臭” means Bad smell

Jouyou Kanji "臭"

Jouyou Kanji “臭”

Jouyou Kanji "臭" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “臭” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi しゅう(shuu)
Kun-Yomi くさ(い)(kusa(i))
Meanings Stink, Bad smell, Bad odor
Ill fame, Scandal, Rumor
Rot, Go bad, Decay

Kanji words which contain Kanji “臭”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
臭い物に蓋をする(くさいものにふたをする-ku sa i mo no ni fu ta wo su ru) Sweep trouble under the rug, Cover up what happened
臭気(しゅうき-shu u ki) Bad smell, Nasty odor
臭素(しゅうそ-shu u so) Bromine
臭味(しゅうみ-shu u me i) Bad smell
臭名(しゅうめい-shu u me i) Notorious Reputation, Ill fame
悪臭(あくしゅう-a ku shu u) Stink, Bad smell, Foul odor
異臭(いしゅう-i shu u) Unusual odor, Strange smell
奇臭(きしゅう-ki shu u) Unusual odor, Strange smell, Bad smell, Foul smell, Fart, Offensive smell
口臭(こうしゅう-ko u shu u) Bad breath, Halitosis
体臭(たいしゅう-ta i shu u) Body odor
乳臭(にゅうしゅう-nyu u shu u) Boyishness, Inexperience, Childishness
腐臭(ふしゅう-fu shu u) Smell of something rotten


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