0880-Jouyou-kanji “需” Stroke Order and Meanings

0880-Jouyou-kanji “需” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "需"

Jouyou Kanji “需”

Jouyou Kanji "需" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “需” Stroke Order

Stroke # 14 Strokes
On-Yomi じゅ(ju)
Kun-Yomi ま(つ)(ma(tsu))
Meanings Wait, Expect
Want (to do, a thing), Ask, Request

Kanji words which contain Kanji “需”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
需給(じゅきゅう-ju kyu u) Supply and demand
需要供給(じゅようきょうきゅう-ju yo u kyo u kyu u) Supply and demand
需要(じゅよう-ju yo u) Demand
需用(じゅよう-ju yo u) Consumption, Use
応需(おうじゅ-o u ju) Responding to demand
軍需(ぐんじゅ-gu n ju) Military demand, Munitions
特需(とくじゅ-to ku ju) Special procurement, Special demand
必需(ひつじゅ-hi tsu ju) Necessary, Required
民需(みんじゅ-mi n ju) Civil demand, Civilian demand, Private demand, Private-sector demand


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