0838-Jouyou-kanji “質” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “質”

Jouyou Kanji “質” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
15 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
しつ(shitsu) |
しち(shichi) |
し(shi) |
ち(chi) |
Kun-Yomi |
ただ(す)(tada(su)) |
もと(moto) |
たち(tachi) |
Meanings |
Matter, Substance, Material |
Content, Substance, Essence |
Nature, Temperament, Characteristic |
Ask, Inquire, Ascertain |
Pawn, Pledge, Mortgage |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “質”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
質草(しちぐさ-shi chi gu sa) |
Article for pawning |
質札(しちふだ-shi chi fu da) |
Pawn ticket |
質屋(しちや-shi chi ya) |
Pawn shop |
質疑(しつぎ-shi tsu gi) |
Question and answer |
質実(しつじつ-shi tsu ji tsu) |
Simplicity, Plainness, Straightforwardness |
質素(しっそ-shi sso) |
Simple, Frugality, Plainness |
質朴(しつぼく-shi tsu bo ku) |
Simple-hearted, Plain, Unornamented |
質問(しつもん-shi tsu mo n) |
Question, Inquiry, Query |
質量(しつりょう-shi tsu ryo u) |
Mass |
異質(いしつ-i shi tsu) |
Different in kind, Different nature |
気質(きしつ-ki shi tsu) |
Temperament, Nature |
言質(げんち-ge n chi) |
Person’s pledge, Give one’s word, Commit to |
硬質(こうしつ-ko u shi tsu) |
Solidity, Solidness, Hardness, Stiffness |
資質(ししつ-shi shi tsu) |
① Innate nature and talent, ② Ability, Capacity, Quality |