0828-Jouyou-kanji “軸” Stroke Order and Meanings

0828-Jouyou-kanji “軸” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "軸"

Jouyou Kanji “軸”

Jouyou Kanji "軸" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “軸” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi じく(jiku)
Kun-Yomi しんぎ(shingi)
Meanings Axle, Shaft
Center of things, Most important point
Hanging scroll

Kanji words which contain Kanji “軸”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
軸受(じくうけ-ji ku u ke) Bearing
軸木(じくぎ-ji ku gi) ① Matchwood, ② Splint, ③ Scroll roller
軸心(じくしん-ji ku shi n) Center of axle, Shaft center
軸物(じくもの-ji ku mo no) Scroll (picture), Hanging scroll
回転軸(かいてんじく-ka i te n ji ku) Axis of rotation
掛け軸(かけじく-ka ke ji ku) Scroll (picture), Hanging scroll
機軸(きじく-ku ji ku) ① Axis, Shaft, ② Center, Center of activity, ③ Fundamental Scheme
基軸(きじく-ki ji ku) Criterion, Standard, Yardstick, Key, Thing which plays a basic role as the standard
枢軸(すうじく-su u ji ku) Pivot, Heart and soul, Center, Important part which is the center of activities
地軸(ちじく-chi ji ku) Earth’s axis
中軸(ちゅうじく-chu u ji ku) Axis, Important parts which are center of thing


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