0817-Jouyou-kanji “持” Stroke Order and Meanings

0817-Jouyou-kanji “持” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "持"

Jouyou Kanji “持”

Jouyou Kanji "持" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “持” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi じ(ji)
Kun-Yomi も(つ)(mo(tsu))
Meanings Have, Hold
Keep, Protect, Support

Kanji words which contain Kanji “持”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
持久力(じきゅうりょく-ji kyu u ryo ku) Capacity for endurance, Staying power, Stamina, Tenacity
持参(じさん-ji sa n) Bring (something), Taking
持説(じせつ-ji se tsu) One’s cherished opinion
持続(じぞく-ji zo ku) Lasting, Continuation
持病(じびょう-ji byo u) Chronic disease
持仏(じぶつ-ji bu tsu) One’s own Buddha statue
持薬(じやく-ji ya ku) Medicine which one uses regularly, One’s habitual medicine
持論(じろん-ji ro n) One’s cherished opinion, One’s pet theory
持ち味(もちあじ-mo chi a ji) ① Natural taste of food itself, ② Characteristic or feature of a thing or a person
持ち家(もちいえ-mo chi i e) One’s own house
持ち株(もちかぶ-mo chi ka bu) One’s stock holdings, One’s shares
持ち切り(もちきり-mo chi ki ri) ① Be dominated by the subject, Everyone is talking about a particular topic, ② Keep holding until the end, ③ Have everything
持ち腐れ(もちくされ-mo chi ku sa re) Useless possession


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