0814-Jouyou-kanji “事” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “事”

Jouyou Kanji “事” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
8 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
じ(ji) |
ず(zu) |
Kun-Yomi |
こと(koto) |
つか(える)(tsuka(eru)) |
Meanings |
Thing, Matter, Affair, Event, Accident (etc) |
Business, Work, Task |
Serve, Work for |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “事”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
事柄(ことがら-ko to ga ra) |
Matter, Affair |
事宜(じぎ-ji gi) |
Fitting thing, State of affair, Situation, Circumstance |
事業(じぎょう-ji gyo u) |
Business, Enterprise |
事件(じけん-ji ke n) |
Event, Happening, Incident |
事故(じこ-ji ko) |
Accident |
事後(じご-ji go) |
After the fact |
事後承認(じごしょうにん-ji go sho u ni n) |
After approval, Retrospective approval, Retrospective approval, Ex post facto approval |
事項(じこう-ji ko u) |
Matters, Items, Things that are part of the bigger things |
事々(じじ-ji ji) |
Various things or events, Everything, Every affair, All things |
事々物々(じじぶつぶつ-ji ji bu tsu bu tsu) |
Everything, Every affair, All things |
事実(じじつ-ji ji tsu) |
Fact, Truth, Actuality |
事象(じしょう-ji sho u) |
Phenomenon |
事情(じじょう-ji jo u) |
Situation, Condition, Reasons, Circumstances |
事跡(じせき-ji se ki) |
Evidence, Trace, Vestige, Trace of an event |
事績(じせき-ji se ki) |
Achievement |