0804-Jouyou-kanji “賜” Stroke Order and Meanings

0804-Jouyou-kanji “賜” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "賜"

Jouyou Kanji “賜”

Jouyou Kanji "賜" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “賜” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi し(shi)
Kun-Yomi たまわ(る)(tamawa(ru))
Meanings Be honored with, Be given
Bestow, Grant, Award, Give
Gift, Present (from higher rank person)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “賜”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
賜暇(しか-shi ka) Furlough
賜金(しきん-shi ki n) Monetary grant, Gratuity
賜田(しでんshi de n) Rice fields specially given to individuals by the emperor
賜杯(しはい-shi ha i) Trophy given by a member of Imperial family
賜品(しひん-shi hi n) Rewards
賜与(しよ-shi yo) Giving a gift from high-rank person to lower one
賜予(しよ-shi yo) Giving as a prize
賜物(たまもの-ta ma mo no) ① Thing which was given as a blessing, ② Good result of an effort
恩賜(おんし-o n shi) Gifts from the emperor or monarch
下賜(かし-ka shi) Giving a gift from high-rank person to lower one
賞賜(しょうし-sho u shi) Reward, Prize, Giving a reward for other one’s good work


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